Bill Murray

BILL MURRAY REMEMBERED – Wednesday was the one-year-to-day anniversary of the passing of Celebrity Bulletin’s Bill Murray; a true gentleman in every sense of the word. The entertainment industry collectively grieved last March when he suddenly passed. I don't really know why it took so long for everyone to properly remember this individual, but justice was done with this event. Mark Kerrigan, from the Bulletin personally called me initially to help spread the word and I did just that. Seen at the SRO-event, at Lair on New York City’s Lafayette Street, were publicists Bruce Cohen, David Salidor, David Lotz; Nora Lawler; Matthew Rich, photographer extraordinaire Dave Allocca; Aubrey Reuben from Playbill; Dina Pitenis from the Bulletin; Showbiz 411’s Roger Friedman (just back from Hollywood and his excellent Oscar-coverage); Tomaczek Bednarek; Rita Cosby; Robin Byrd; Liz Derringer; Fabian Molina; Jason Simos from Focus Features, and, Ed Callaghan. Though there was an overwhelming feeling of sadness and loss, I think the opportunity to share remembrances of Murray was cathartic and positive. Said Salidor, “The thing with Bill was once you met him, you were totally won over. There was nothing there that wasn't 100% real. I think about him almost every day and miss him a lot. His kind isn't being made anymore. I was lucky to have known him … since 1978. It's still a tremendous loss.”


Howard Stern

STERN OFFENSIVE: It’s official: there's a major feud brewing between Howard Stern and Pat Cooper. In recent weeks on his show, Stern has accused Cooper of being two-faced and of having bombed at the Friars Club roast for Quentin Tarantino in December. In response to Stern’s comments, Cooper’s agent Steve Garrin has said "Pat would LOVE to come on the air and fight with Howard. How can Howard say he saw Pat bomb at the roast when he left before Pat even went on? Not only did Pat kill at the roast, but Uma Thurman got up and hugged and kissed him. If that's bombing, Pat should bomb more often. And Pat doesn't talk behind Howard’s back. He says everything to his face, while others kiss his ass. So the gauntlet has been thrown, Howard. The next move is yours." The week before last, while promoting his brand-new memoir How Dare You Say How Dare Me! (Square One Publishing). Cooper actually did both Jackie’s Joke Hunt with former Stern alum Jackie ‘The Joke Man’ Martling and then performed an hour of killer radio with Stern’s top rivals Opie & Anthony the morning of Friday, Feb. 25. While at the midtown Sirius/XM studios, Pat was photographed writing "Stern, you lie! – Pat Cooper",” on the Sirius/XM graffiti wall. This was reported on Howard 100 News that same day, leading Stern to rant against Cooper yet again on his show the following Monday. Stern fans are divided with their loyalties (some feel Stern is afraid of Cooper, while others think that the comedian has become an even angrier old man), but nearly all want the same thing: a showdown between Stern and Cooper . . . and soon! For many who feel Stern’s show has lost his funny edge (especially since cohort Artie Lange left the show following a suicide attempt), a new romping bout between Howard and Pasquale may be just what the audience has ordered (or subscribed to, in the parlance of Sirius/XM users).


Charlie Sheen

MICHAEL AND SHEEN – George Michael told the BBC’s Chris Evans he was ashamed to have broken the law. The singer said he deserved to be jailed last September for crashing his Range Rover while under the influence of cannabis. He was given an eight-week sentence and fined after driving into the front of a photo shop in London. Michael said jail has been karma for repeatedly breaking the law. I can't help but compare his situation with what’s been going on with troubled actor Charlie Sheen. He hasn't been arrested yet, but his two-week media blitz has astounded and confused almost everyone. Saturday Night Live this past weekend had a brilliant sketch with their Bill Hader succinctly and successfully satirizing the actor. But, truth be told; they had some great source material. I actually felt last week that his show would return; but, now, think everyone is just waiting to see if the Sheen-train just goes off the tracks all by itself. He is troubled … and, it seems to be getting worse. His streamed-live home interview this past Saturday night was just tragic. And, as the Today Show’s Jeff Rossen (apparently his new best friend!) said this morning, he still remains TV’s highest paid actor. His long-suffering publicist Stan Rosenfield resigned last week; which was an interesting development. We've known Stan since his days with the legendary Jay Bernstein and if he walked away … that was definitely NOT a good sign. I now modify my initial thoughts: this whole episode will not have a happy ending. Nothing short of tragic! This just in: Reports from the U.K. say that Michael has just split with longtime partner Kenny Goss. The Sun says that after 15 years, Goss has finally had enough of the singer’s troubled lifestyle, especially his ongoing problems with drugs and his infamous arrest and conviction last year. A source close to both adds, “The writing has been on the wall for some time. There are only so many second-chances Kenny was prepared to give. He’s been loyal to George from day one, but that hasn't always been reciprocated.”


ENDQUOTE: What would Monkee-biography Eric Lefcowitz (Monkee Business: The Revolutionary Made-For-TV Band- Retrofuture Products) want to see the group do on their upcoming 45th Anniversary Tour? “Goin’ Down” would be a surprise, but I'd love to hear Micky Dolenz have a go at that. The guy still has great pipes.”
