
Hillary Clinton Says White House Will Sue Over
Arizona Immigration Law

Senator Hillary Clinton

While President Obama and Attorney General Holder have yet to announce a decision, Secretary of State Clinton has announced it for them. The White House will initiate a lawsuit against Arizona over their controversial immigration law. Clinton asserts that the primary reason for this is that that the White House and Obama believe that the federal government should be making immigration policy and not individual states. The law which enjoys approval of 58% of Americans and 70% of Arizonans has come under fire for promoting racial profiling. However, Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer insists that the law is simply enforcing current federal statutes and no person can be investigated unless they are detained for a prior legal violation.


Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites

Saudi Arabia has given Israeli fighter jets the green light to use their airspace to carry out bombing raids against Iranian nuclear sites. “They have already done tests to make sure their own jets aren’t scrambled and no one gets shot down,” said a U.S. defense source in the region. “This has all been done with the agreement of the U.S. State Department.”

Despite world perception that only Israel and the West are gravely concerned with Iran’s nuclear program, other Middle Eastern countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan are seemingly fearful of the rogue regime as well. This explains the willingness of the Saudis to grant airspace to Israeli aircraft.

In addition to the clear skies granted by Saudi Arabia, Israel has taken other steps to prepare for a possible attack on Iranian nuclear sites. They have recently sent missile-class warships and at least one submarine capable of launching a nuclear warhead through the Suez Canal for deployment in the Red Sea within the past year, as both a warning to Iran and in anticipation of a possible strike.


Too Big To Fail Lives Despite Reform Bill

Paul Volcker

Paul Volcker, the head of Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board, appeared Monday on CNBC stating that the centerpiece of the Obama Administration’s campaign to end Too Big To Fail, the notion that the nation’s megabanks will not automatically be bailed out when in dilemma, will not come to fruition.

Volcker, a former Federal Reserve Chairman appeared on the program with William Isaac, the former chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, who added that the legislation is "not going to prevent the top five banks from being saved."

"We will save them," Isaac said. Speaking about a potential future financial crisis, the former bank regulator said that Congress "would jump in with more legislation to bail out those banks. I don't have any doubt about that," he added.

The criticism from two former top bank regulators also echoes recent remarks by Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Richard Fisher, who argues that the bill doesn't come close to ending TBTF. Rather, he believes the nation's megabanks either need to significantly shrink, or be broken up.


China’s Military Threatens America: ‘We Will Hurt You’

The Flag Of China

In February, Chinese Colonel Meng Xianging promised a “hand-to-hand fight with the U.S.” sometime within the next 10 years “when we’re strong enough.” “We must make them hurt,” said Major-General Yang Yi this year, referring to the United States. “Every nation has a right to defend itself and to spend as it sees fit for that purpose, but a gap as wide as what seems to be forming between China’s stated intent and its military programs leaves me more than curious about the end result,” said Admiral Mike Mullen this Wednesday. Last month, a Chinese Admiral launched a three-minute rant that asserted “everything that is right with U.S. relations with China is due to China; everything that is wrong is Washington’s fault.” “Admiral Guan was representing what all of us think about the United States in our hearts,” a senior Chinese official told the Washington Post. “It may not have been politically correct, but it wasn’t an accident.”


Defense Secretary Gates: Iran could fire 'hundreds'
of missiles at Europe

US intelligence has shown Iran could launch an attack against Europe with "scores or hundreds" of missiles, prompting major changes to US missile defenses, Pentagon chief Robert Gates said on Thursday. "One of the elements of the intelligence that contributed to the decision on the phased adaptive array was the realization that if Iran were actually to launch a missile attack on Europe, it wouldn't be just one or two missiles or a handful," Gates told a senate hearing.


Alert Issued for 17 Afghan Military Members
AWOL From U.S. Air Force Base

A nationwide alert has been issued for 17 members of the Afghan military who have gone AWOL from an Air Force base in Texas where foreign military officers who are training to become pilots are taught English. The Afghan officers and enlisted men have security badges that give them access to secure U.S. defense installations. "I can confirm that 17 have gone missing from the Defense Language Institute," said Gary Emery, Chief of Public Affairs, 37th Training Wing, at Lackland AFB. "They disappeared over the course of the last two years, and none in the last three months."


White House and BP Agree to $20B Fund,
Minor Progress Made on Spill

President Barack Obama

On Wednesday BP top brass met with President Obama and agreed to pay $20 billion over four years to an independent party and immediately identified $20 billion in U.S. assets that could be liquidated should BP not be able to pay on time. In addition, BP received no assurances that the ultimate economic damages would not be higher and remains liable for all individual and state claims in court. The fund is completely separate from any environmental damages, which the Obama administration says could top $30 billion. On Thursday, BP Chief Tony Hayward was hauled before the Hill and was lambasted by Congressmen for the disaster in the gulf. He denied being involved in any key decision making processes regarding the oversight of the disastrous well. But while the White House and pundits are championing the $20B fund and are taking pleasure in the demoralization of the BP chief, the oil continues to flow into the Gulf. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is especially concerned because of a recent stoppage of barges ordered by the Coast Guard. They stopped the barges because they needed to confirm that there were fire extinguishers and life vests on board, and were unable to contact the people who built the barges. Nine days ago he ordered the barges to begin vacuuming the crude oil out of his state’s oil-soaked waters. Wednesday, against the governor’s desires, the barges sat idle. He asserted that one of the biggest problems in the clean up is that there seems to be no one in charge. Fifty-nine days into the crisis, it still can be tough to figure out who is in charge in the Gulf. "They promised us they were going to get it done as quickly as possible," Jindal said. But "every time you talk to someone different at the Coast Guard, you get a different answer." After Jindal strenuously made his case, the barges finally got the go-ahead yesterday to return to the Gulf and get back to work, after more than 24 hours of sitting idle.

Photos By: RD/Leon/Kabik/Retna


Brittanicus said…
Liberals are strictly behind this obnoxious push to obtain quasi--legitimate path to citizenship, which must be stopped at any cost. Learn about the corruption in Washington and in State Capitols in both ruling parties. Your vote is powerful, so its up to you and only--YOU! Obama's administration Czars are debunking our US Constitution and not following the voice of the people? Support the State of Arizona. Stop any immigration Amnesty as it will bankrupt many states. Don't follow the fate that the Sanctuary--illegal alien--state of California is suffering from? De Mint is right--investigate for yourself, the money extracted by the IRS to pay for the invasion. Hundreds of thousands of "Anchor babies" get free everything for parents, including low income housing. Discover the abhorrent facts on NumbersUSA and Judicial Watch. Call your Representative at 202-224-3121 and demand their support of the state of Arizona or see the door in coming November elections.

ATTN: This peice of news will make most patriotic Americans blood boil. About 3500 acres of southern Arizona along the nation border with Mexico is off limits to US citizens due to increased violence in this region. So, as our government has surrendered and ceded part of Arizona to the smugglers and cartels of Mexico? Are we not still a world power that we cannot send in troops, with weapons and wipe this stain off the map. I say go into this area and clean it up. Wipe out every last one of them. This is--OUR--America, not the morons of legislators. Have the Democratic Liberal Obama administration a soft touch for President Calderon and the corrupt officials that have infiltrated his government? I am fed up with our own pathetic government being dictated to, by the open border coalition. Sen. Reid cut funding to the real two parallel fences, now we have only one and uncompleted. Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-TX, and co-sponsored by Sen. John Cornyn, (R-TX) are utterly disregarded the people's voice. They are entirely to carry the can for severing funding and killing the second fence. YES! There were supposed to be two fences, under the 2006 Secure Fence Act as drafted by Rep. Duncan Hunter. Democratic majority Reid is the ruthless leader in tabling any law that would protect the American people. We as the majority of Americans must speak up or we will finally be overrun with people who have no allegiance to our country, diluting our national language, desperate criminals who are spilling US citizen-legal resident blood and draining quite successfully our welfare entitlement system.
Brittanicus said…
There will be a confrontation soon between Americans who want a halt to illegal immigration occupancy and the zealots who want open borders? NumbersUSA has all the answers to these question of those pandering to specific ethnic organizations, and wants you to keep subsidizing illegal aliens lives. Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada has the followers who see nothing wrong, for you to keep unceasingly pay-out for illegal alien families who need urgent care in hospitals, education for their children and other welfare programs. Our country is 13 Trillion dollars in debt, which is mostly owed to Communist China. We have about 15 million people slogging the streets for jobs, but their is estimated to be 8.5 million foreigners working on bogus ID and Social Security numbers employed. If you haven't checked your Credit report lately, I suggest you do? My own Social Security number was compromised of all things by a person working for a Security Firm in Dallas, TX.

Apart from Sen. Reid who has to go, Pelosi in charge of our Homeland Security, Clinton, Holder, Morton, Boxer, Schumer and Graham are all set on--FORCING--through another financially crippling--AMNESTY. Now that this fury battle has been ignited by the Arizona SB 1070 police law, we must not let this controversial issue sink quietly beneath the oil situation in the Gulf. Governor Brewer is an upstanding patriotic American and doesn't crawl to powerful influences of businesses who hire illegal aliens, ethnic caucuses and reams of other soft-brained idiots, who want massive avalanches of people from South-North of the border or intentionally overstayed their visa.

As a Independent, a Tea Partier I want politicians working for every American and legal entrant. Years of neglect have come back to haunt each political parties and now they are going to serve you a hundred billion dollar bailout. By legalizing criminal aliens who violated our sovereign law of defending our borders from drug criminals and others with criminal records escaping from foreign law enforcements. The criminal element is prevalent in the border state of Arizona, but if we don't throw out of office the corrupt lawmakers, the spreading violence and criminal activity will get worse. IN EVERY STATE!. It's outrageous when an American public servant such as Madame Clinton reveals to a foreign Diplomat about our internal affairs before the US taxpayers who pay her salary. Clinton might is against the "ATTRITION OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, but Governor Brewer has already received $48.000 from the Average Citizen-legal resident to support this the SB 1070 policing law.
James Edstrom said…
I don't understand what the world is coming too...
