Well the blizzard of 2010 has started in Times Square. We really love this weather, we do not understand why people complain about it. We have made great money in snow storms from the past. I remember as a kid growing up in Glen Cove Long Island. We lived on a little island off of Glen Cove called Morgan Island, some called it East Island. It used to be the private island of financier JP Morgan. Just a little bit of snow would make it impossible to leave the island retreat. All my friends would go out and shovel the snow and then come to my house for poker with all the money they made. I always won. I would sit there all day and wait for everyone to finish shoveling the driveways and then I would shovel their money right into my piggy bank. Later on in life I remember great snow storms in New York City. Sometime in the 1990's we got slammed with over a foot of the white stuff. I had a photo shoot that night with Betty White at some hotel and I decided I would make my way there. Most of the paparazzi could never afford to live in Manhattan, but I did and I knew most of them would not show up to the event, which turned out true. I photographed Betty with some award winning dogs and the photos went worldwide and I cleaned up, because I was right. The snappers stayed home, but I knew Betty would be staying in the hotel too and all she had to do was walk downstairs. We photographed Betty with every dog that was there. We made a huge amount of money. We always love this kind of weather and can not understand why people hate the snow and rain. It's beautiful and peaceful. It's a great day to just relax and enjoy. Since the terrorist attacks, we always are stocked up. We have enough food, cigarettes, alcohol and everything else to last 2 months. We have 600 cable channels, 100s of DVDs and just about anything else we could need. But hey, we have a doctors appointment this morning, but we got a call yesterday saying they may be closed, so I should call. They seemed surprised that I wanted to keep the appointment, but I figure I would not have to make a huge scene like last time because they kept me waiting almost 4 hours. I figure we would be the only one to show up today, so It would be quick this time. So we will see. Either way, we are going out in this beautiful weather and we are going to enjoy this snowy day in Times Square. We hope all our readers do the same. Relax, don't worry about work and have some fun with the kids. Watch a great movie and cook some of your favorite foods. Life goes so quick and sometimes you have to stand still and smell the snow. Have a great day!