

United States Post Office

I am so disgusted with the Post Office here In Times Square on 42nd street and our lazy mail carriers. Yesterday I get a certified notice in my mailbox. I thought to myself, I have been home all day, and I have complained before about my carriers being too lazy to ring me and deliver my mail. They could ring me or have my front desk sign for it. They were even too lazy for that. They rather throw a notice in my box, so I have to make a trip to the Post Office and wait on long lines for hours. So I made the trip down to the Post Office yesterday afternoon, only to be told I would have to come back on Saturday. I asked for the supervisor, and they said there was not one in. They said come back at 6am - 2pm tomorrow, and I could get my certified letter. So knowing, certified mail is never good news, I could not sleep all night, I went down there promptly at 6am this morning. The place was closed.... I could not believe it. People were coming to mail letters and then leaving after looking at the hours posted on the door that said 6am Saturday. I waited and waited and finally at 630am some sleepy guy comes out from the back and opens the door. I asked why he was not open at 6am and he ignored me like I was bothering him. He's trying to unlock another door to go back in the back and I ask where are the people that staff the windows. He grunts, I don't know. I stand there. Some old half asleep guy comes to the windows and tells me to come back at 8. I tell him I need my certified letter and the old guys yawns and waves for me to go away. So as I write this, I will be there once again at 8am. I am livid. These Post Office workers get high pay, health benefits, retirement, and they could care less about doing their job. Every single year the government bails out the Post Office because they lose money. If any other business was run like the United States Post Office, they would not last very long. Recently they replaced the three stamp machines in the lobby. It used to be that you could run in, throw some money into the machines and leave with your stamps. Now they have a new automated machine, that only takes credit cards. So now instead of having a quick way of getting your stamps, you wait on lines for hours either to go to the window or to use the stupid automated machine, because most people sit there pushing button after button just to get a stamp. This stupidity is why the Post Office loses money year after year. The people who run the Post Office could care less, because Uncle Sam will bail them out each and every time. It is time the heads of the Post Office are made accountable to run the mail system like a business and to do it right. The Post Office has every advantage over companies like Fedex. They can park anywhere and not get ticketed. Fedex pays millions upon millions in tickets every year. The Post Office has offices everywhere and does not have to pay taxes like Fedex. The Post Office has every advantage against every other delivery company in the country, yet they lose money year after year while Fedex and the other companies make money. Why is this? It is because the top brass of the Post Office could care less about making money, because they know year after year the taxpayers will bail them out and they will get their fat salaries without having to do their job. In any other business, they would be fired. It's time the taxpayers start to wake up and start demanding accountability from our Government Offices. As for my certified letter, I'm heading back there now....
Update: Waited on line and the guy in front of me kept ringing the bell for service. They did not show up till 805. People were getting pissed off. The news was not so bad, could have been worse. The Post Office needs a complete overhaul!


Anonymous said…
I feel your PAIN !!! The Post Office is NOT tax payer supported, AND it sure needs to act like a business to survive. In our small town the service is much better, but the post office workers are our neighbors ( not impersonal officous blobs in an ivory tower) . We see each other at church, Walmart, and accross the fence. The back of your pick-up slip should list a phone # where you can request a "re-delivery", or go online ( ) to make the same request. You can also go to their web site to lodge a complaint ( this seems to work better than calling, since they are required to respond to all email complaints !!! ). If all else fails, move to a small town, you'll be glad you did !!!
James Edstrom said…
They are taxpayer supported. They get billions every year to get out of the red. I did e mail a complaint, and I will call some friends in Washington on Monday. I grew up in the small town of Glen Cove and I knew everyone, so I know what you are saying that you get better service because everyone knows everyone. I don't think anyone that works in our Post Office in Times Square even lives around here. It makes a huge difference when employees for your government like the Police and The Postal workers live in your neighborhood. They care about what goes on and the residents, but this is not the case in New York City, sorry to say. Thanks for your imput my friend..

Anonymous said…
And you wonder why some many shoot outs happen there - complete idiots!
In my apartment I have one of the samll boxes, and when I complained to STOP shoving everything in ... my mailman said 'Get A Bigger BOX!"
To him: Get A Bigger Brain!"

James Edstrom said…
Meanwhile, I still await a call from the main offices in Washington, and they are taking their time....Maybe another story will get someone's attention...
