Susan Boyle

Susan Boyle, The Scottish singing sensation, is denying gossip reports that she's struggling to cope with the pressures of fame, and is insisting she has never been happier. Boyle became world famous this year following an appearance on United Kingdom reality show "Britain's Got Talent," and became a favorite of the press thanks to her unlikely rise to stardom. But she ignited fears for her health when The Sun reported that she checked into rehab in London in May to be treated for exhaustion and insomnia just days after she won second place in the hit television show's finale. Rumors about Boyle's fragile emotional state resurfaced again last Monday when she was snapped sobbing and sucking her thumb following a New York promotional event for her debut album "I Dreamed A Dream," which has charged to the top of the charts. But Boyle is adamant she is happy and healthy. She tells Britain's News of the World, "I have never been accepted by the world before. Now I do feel part of it and I find it really exciting. "I feel very content within myself, and as I'm finally achieving my dream I feel so lucky and privileged. "I keep asking myself, 'Is this really happening?' And I keep expecting someone to say, 'Ha ha, love, we're kidding.' "If it did all go away tomorrow, I know that I've enjoyed every moment of living the dream now."
