Hollywood star Farrah Fawcett, who passed away in June, reportedly left the bulk of her estate to her son Redmond O'Neal and she excluded her long term lover Ryan O'Neal. But now the British newspaper the Sunday Express claims the Charlies Angels actress left $96,000 to a former Texas footballer Greg Lott, who previously alleged to have been her secret long-term lover. Lott published a string of love letters in a bid to prove his story, and was subsequently dismissed by Ryan O'Neal as a "disgruntled ex-boyfriend from the sixties." But now Lott is claiming he was included in Fawcett's will and is insisting her decision to leave him a portion of her estate proves she cared for him until the end. He has also accused O'Neal of keeping him away from Fawcett when she was dying. He says, "I am a beneficiary of her estate. I have been asked to maintain the confidentiality of the estate, which I must respect. "This news that I am indeed in her will and Ryan is not raises some serious questions about why he prevented me from seeing the love of my life in her final months. Farrah meant the world to me and I know that I equally had a profound impact on her. I cannot understand how those around her chose to keep me from her."
Photo By: Sara De Boer/Retna
