William “Bill” Ulfelder The Newly Appointed Director Of
The Nature Conservancy


Ann Rapp And William Ulfelder

Sharon Bush With Jean Shafiroff

One New York’s leading philanthropists, a major figure on the social landscape and an indefatigable champion for numerous worthy causes, Jean Shafiroff hosted an intimate luncheon at the Upper East Side commissary for the rich and famous, Swifty’s, to introduce William “Bill” Ulfelder, the newly appointed director of The Nature Conservancy in New York to her friends. Swifty’s, in case you didn’t know, has been listed by Page Six as one of the six “Hot Seats:” restaurants in New York. It was created by Robert Caravaggi (host/proprietor) and Stephen Attoe (chef/proprietor), the two most popular alumni of the late Glenn Bernbaum ’s Mortimer’s, the famed Upper East Side watering hole. The two rooms were designed by Mario Buatta and Anne Eisenhower. They combine the elegance of New York society with the clubby atmosphere of a favorite haunt. Wally Findlay Galleries provides the original paintings by notable artists that are featured on the walls. Swifty’s famed for its home-style fare prepared a special menu for Jean’s luncheon in honor of Bill - Swifty’s widely praised baked meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans. Just perfect for this group who are not your typical ladies who lunch but dynamic, turbo charged gals who make things happen on the New York scene. Listening attentively while Ulfelder enthralled then with the story of his grandfather who working under the direction of that great naturalist President Theodore Roosevelt mapped the Amazon River for the first time in history were Ann Rapp, Margo Langenberg, Maria Kalnay, Carole Belladora and Sharon Bush. Oh, and for a little male support for the speaker - well known society chronicler and publicist Roger Webster and jewelry designer and marketing whiz John Wegorzewski. The conversation turned to serious business as these ladies questioned Ulfelder on everything from the renewed effort to increase Long Island’s shellfish industry (which thanks to The Nature Conservancy is showing positive signs of increased harvests) to the regulation of forestry in the Adirondacks. Ulfelder came through with flying colors and endeared himself even more when asked about the organizations rating with Charity Navigator, the premier independent charity evaluator which evaluates the financial health and administration of America's largest charities. When Ulfelder proudly told them his group has been rated a continual 4 stars –the highest rating - the ladies beamed.
