The following letter was sent to us by Vincent Forras. We met this firefighter hero a few months ago backstage at a Billy Ray Cyrus concert. He was in full uniform and we talked to him for quite a while about 9-11. He has many medical issues till this day, from the toxic World Trade Center, but he continues to want to help America. He had told us then, that he planned to run for U.S. Senate, but we were asked to keep it quiet until he was ready, and now Vincent Forras is ready to fight for America again. Take a look at his website, and if you agree with Vincent, please support him in any way you can.

Vincent Forras

Well our show is officially now on the road! We faced all the major candidates this week in Connecticut and from all the feedback we received ... it is "THEM", everyday politicians and VINNY, THE CITIZEN CANDIDATE. The other candidates were actually turning to each other trying to figure out... "WHO IS THIS GUY" ? The people in the crowd cheered loudly and often and told me afterwards that this was the first time that they can remember being so inspired by a candidate, no less one of their own. I am turning to my friends asking for your support to allow this coming election to finally send Mr. Smith to Washington for real! I promise to serve the people of Connecticut and America utilizing my experiences as a husband, father, firefighter, businessman, teacher and coach incorporating the challenging and life changing events I experienced at Ground Zero to bring the fine people of CT together in the spirit and traditions that make our Nutmeg state and our America great. Through my INDEPENDENT candidacy, I offer an alternate choice from the self perpetuating political class. I hereby swear to limit my service to CT, if the people choose to elect me, to two terms. I do this in full recognition that power is an aphrodisiac and no one can long withstand the subtle seduction that comes from political self preservation. (See Dodd, Christopher, U.S. Senator). I humbly ask you for your help and to help me reach out to those who have been so supportive of my efforts in the past. We can do this. I promise you that I can win this seat now held by Chris Dodd with a little help from my friends..... Visit his site to see how you can help,, or via e-mail to the address listed below.

Vincent Forras


Andy Sullivan said…
The Downtown Terror Trial is nothing more to Holder and Obama as a distraction from his failings as a leader from the economy to Afghanistan. As Eric (we are a nation of cowards )Holder tells you don't be afraid about the trial I'm ashamed that there is still almost a decade later a hole in the ground where I use to work and where my first love got killed. Damn these terrorists and the politicians who are using this event to beat up on Bush and Cheney who kept us safe all those years after 911. The blood is now on Obama's hands and he does not care.I.E. Fort Hood.
Unknown said…
You must be in denial considering your a republican.You must listen to Fox news to come up with this idea of Bush and Chaney protecting us from whatever. How many soldiers have died in both wars that Bush and Chaney started and don't forget Rumsfeld. Bush and his daddies boys need beating up and maybe open their bank accounts and see how much they made from going to war...