Rosie O'Donnell With Kelli Carpenter O'Donnell

Former television host Rosie O'Donnell's wife has moved out of their house, taking the couple's youngest child with her, according to a report. Rosie married Kelli Carpenter in 2004, but they ignited gossip about the state of the union when she posted a poem about her marital troubles on her Web site earlier this year. now reports Carpenter has moved into the pair's New York City apartment and she and Rosie spend most nights apart. Rosie has released a statement to the media, admitting the pair are having some difficulties, but she is insisting they are trying to work through their problems for the sake of their four children. She says, "We're a family, we remain a family and we're working on the issues. Kelli and I love each other very much and we are working on our issues. "Those are the only words I am ever going to say. Ever. And that is something that has been agreed upon by all parties. But everything's fine and everybody's good and we're still both raising them (their children) together. We will both continue to parent them and we're friendly and everything's all right."
Photo By: Sara De Boer/Retna


Anonymous said…
Hard to be around one menopausal female but can you imagine having TWO of them in the same space? Must be rough for the child.