Boyzone's Stephen Gately died after choking on his own vomit while asleep on Saturday night, according to new media reports. His partner Andy Cowles found the star kneeling in a "praying" position in their home in Majorca, Spain, where they were vacationing, and he attempted to revive him for 30 minutes, reports The Sun. A source tells the British newspaper, "Andy tried mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. When everything failed he even slapped him across the face. But doctors later confirmed Stephen’s lungs had filled with fluid. There was nothing Andy could have done. He had drowned and asphyxiated." The publication is alleging the happy couple, who wed in a civil partnership in London in 2006, had spent Friday evening drinking at a local pub, where they met 25-year-old Bulgarian Giorgi Duchev and invited him back to their apartment. Police investigating the incident have dismissed gossip of foul play, but they are seeking out Duchev for additional information on the case. An official tells Britain’s The Times, "We do not think this man is involved in any way in Stephen’s death but his testimony could prove vital." An investigating judge has been appointed in charge of the inquiry.
Photo By: Derek Storm/Retna
