
Photos By: Ann Watt

James Edstrom With Rita Cosby, Jean Shafiroff
And Tomaczek Bednarek

James Edstrom With Jean Shafiroff And Sharon Bush

Sharon Bush And Tom Gates

Hampton's Sheet Joan Jedell With Laureen Arbus
And Sharon Bush

Katlean De Monchy With Fe Fendi And
Lucia Hwong Gordon

Rita Cosby With Zita Davisson, Jean Shafiroff And Tomaczek Bednarek

Andrea Greeven Douzet With Yaz Hernandez And Christine Gray

Sharon Bush With Sharon Handler And Jean Shafiroff

John Wegorzewski And Joan Hornig

Katlean De Monchy With Jean Shafiroff And Ann Rapp

Donna Soloway

As Co-Chair of the upcoming New York Women’s Foundation Fall 2009 Dinner – Stepping Out and Stepping Up – Jean Shafiroff recently hosted a luncheon at iconic New York City eatery Le Cirque for the Foundation, which featured an introduction by Jean and a heartfelt and inspiring address by Diana L. Taylor, Vice Chair of the New York Women’s Foundation, with Rita Cosby as MC. CNN’s Felicia Taylor, Debbie Bancroft, Somers W. Farkas (Board Member of The New York Women’s Foundation), Ann Rapp, Susan R. Cullman (Board Member of The New York Women’s Foundation), Vanity Fair’s Amy Fine Collins, and Fe Fendi were among the socialite guests in attendance supporting the foundation. Stepping Out and Stepping Up will honor Elizabeth and Herbert Sturz and Sheryl WuDunn and Nicholas D. Kristof on Wednesday, October 14, 2009 at New York City’s Gotham Hall. The Stepping Up Award will be presented to recognized New Yorkers who serve as role models and demonstrate courageous leadership, vision and commitment to women and girls as individuals and as a couple. The evening will begin with a cocktail reception, followed by dinner and dancing and include a special performance by Grammy Award-winning recording artist, Mary J. Blige. The New York Women’s Foundation is a cross-cultural alliance of women catalyzing partnerships and leveraging human and financial capital to achieve sustained economic security and justice for women and girls. Over the past 22 years, NYWF surpassed $20 million in grants to over 200 nonprofit organizations and 500 programs, improving the lives of 5 million women and girls in New York City. For tickets to Stepping Out and Stepping Up or further information about the New York Women’s Foundation, please visit
