Michelle And Mackenzie Phillips

Former child actress Mackenzie Phillips stepmothers are disagreeing with the shocking allegations that she had a 10-year incestuous relationship with her father. Phillips has detailed her romantic incest with the late Mamas & the Papas singer John Phillips in her new memoir "High On Arrival," in which she also accuses her dad of introducing her to hard drugs. She appeared on "Oprah" yesterday to discuss her stunning new book, and just hours after the program aired, her father's ex-wives spoke out about the former actress claims. Genevieve Phillips, who was married to John from 1972 to 1985, says in a statement, "I am stunned by Mackenzie's terrible allegations about her father. "I would often complain to John about her overly familiar attitude towards him and he would tell me that that was just her way. John was a good man who had the disease of alcoholism and drug addiction. He was incapable, no matter how drunk or drugged he was, of having such a relationship with his own child." And Michelle Phillips, who was John Phillips' wife from 1962-1970, is admitting her stepdaughter joked about a sexual relationship with her father 12 years ago. The singer tells The Hollywood Reporter's Roger Friedman, "She called me back and said, 'You know I'm joking.' I said it wasn't funny. "John was a bad parent, and a drug addict ... (but) if she thinks it's true, why isn't she with a good psychiatrist on a couch? I think it's unconscionable that Oprah would let her do her show. I have every reason to believe it's untrue. Oprah should be more judicious about who she has on her show. "Mackenzie has a lot of mental illness. She's had a needle stuck up her arm for 35 years." But the actress' stepsister Chynna Phillips admits she believes Mackenzie, stating, "Do I believe that they had an incestuous relationship and that it went on for 10 years? Yes." Chynna will talk about the allegations on "Oprah" on Friday.
Photos By: Sara De Boer/Retna
