Pop star Sting's wife Trudie Styler is inviting 6,000 Chevron employees in the San Francisco, California area to view her new film Crude for free when it opens this weekend. The documentary, which Styler is the producer of, takes a look at the devastation oil companies like Chevron have created in the rainforest's of Ecuador, where clean water is no longer available and animal species and indigenous tribes people are dying at a very alarming rate. The documentary also chronicles the $27 billion lawsuit against Chevron in Ecuador. In her invitation, which was sent out to the employees this week, Styler explained the impact of her experiences visiting Ecuadorian rain forest communities living with oil pollution and contaminated drinking water, which is documented in the movie. She says, "You may know me as Sting’s wife, and you may know of my work for the environment and human rights. You may also have heard my name mentioned as one of the celebrities speaking out in support of the 30,000 Ecuadorean citizens who are pursuing Chevron to clean up the pollution the company left behind in their homeland. "Many people will assume that you and I must be on different sides of the fence on this issue. But I don’t believe that. I’m willing to bet that you and I, and all of your colleagues, agree that everyone has the fundamental right to the life-supporting elements of clean air and clean water… I’d like to give you the opportunity to make up your own mind about what has been going on in Ecuador, and to consider how justice can be achieved for the people suffering there. I’d like to invite you to the movies."
Photo By: Sara De Boer/Retna
