Sexy Hollywood star Zac Efron was once left shocked after a fan literally sunk her nails into him, leaving behind a fingernail. Huge crowds of screaming girls regularly ambush the actor at red carpet events. Zach will never forget the day a crazed female managed to catch hold of him and refused to let go until she had left a reminder of herself behind. He tells Britain's Hello magazine, "I was at a premiere when a barrier broke. Fans came rushing over and grabbed me. The security guards stopped the commotion and no one was hurt, but later that night I found a fingernail stuck in my back. You have to have a sense of humor about it." He also says: "I make a half-[bleep] attempt at disguise, but sometimes no disguise is best because, if you wear shades inside a shop, everyone thinks, 'Who's that?'"The best thing is to look normal and avoid eye contact. But I do have to sneak around and hide when I go to the supermarket. It's ridiculous."
Photo by: Sara De Boer/Retna
Photo by: Sara De Boer/Retna