Coldplays Chris Martin recently discovered his star wife Gwyneth Paltrow's voting forms for the upcoming Oscars, and talked his wife into letting him him contribute. As a former winner of the Best Actress Academy Award, Paltrow gets the chance to decide future Oscar winners. And Martin was very delighted to come across the important ballot by chance at their London home, and used the opportunity to familiarize himself with the voting process. He says, "I read the instructions, which is like, you’ve got to put your top five in order and if the number one isn’t really doing very well, then they move on to your number two and include that with the one that is doing well." And the singer was able to convince Paltrow, who claimed her Oscar for 1998’s Shakespeare in Love, to let him help with the decisions. He adds, "I did get a say on that form. I voted for Mickey Rourke. Isn’t he great in that film (The Wrestler)!" The Academy Awards ceremony takes place on February 22nd in Los Angeles California.
Photo By: Sara De Boer/Retna
Photo By: Sara De Boer/Retna