Hollywood star Gwyneth Paltrow is slamming critics of her healthy living Web site, and is insisting her tips are extremely valuable to everyone. Paltrow's site, named after her initials, offers lifestyle lessons on subjects including health, travel and cooking. Online message boards have been jumping with angry responses from users claiming the site is nothing more than a vanity project for Gwyneth. The star is arguing she is merely passing on good advice from her very privileged lifestyle. She says, "People get a hit of energy when they are negative and it is very detrimental for them. They do not understand why they do not have a happy life. "That kind of stuff is just noise to me. I feel sorry for them." The star also adds, "I have this incredible, lucky, unique life where I've gotten to travel all over the place and so I started to acquire all of this information. I thought this would be a fun, creative way to share it. "I thought if I could affect one woman's life positively, it was worth it."
Photo By: RD / Dziekan / Retna Ltd
