The ambulance driver who took Hollywood star John Travolta's late son to the hospital following his fatal seizure has been formally charged for his part in an alleged plot to extort money from the actor. The Bahamas’ Minister of National Security, Tommy Turnquest, has confirmed Tarino Lightbourne was charged with conspiracy to extort on Monday. Sixteen year old Jett Travolta, succumbed to a seizure while the Travolta family were vacationing in the Bahamas on January 2nd. Lightbourne was arrested on Friday, one day after former Senator Pleasant Bridgewater was detained for her alleged involvement in the extortion plot. Bridgewater resigned from her post following the arrest and has been released on $40,000 bail. Their arrests follow reports the couple worked together to take a photograph of the Pulp Fiction star’s son as he lay dying in an alleged $25 million extortion scheme. Details of the reported extortion plot have not been made public, although reports on are suggesting the alleged plot does not involve photos. The Bahamas former Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe, a close friend of the Travoltas, was also questioned by police on Friday. But Turnquest tells the website Wilchcombe "has not been charged", adding, "He was not arrested; he was questioned on Friday."
Photo By: RD/Gershoff/Retna Digital
Photo By: RD/Gershoff/Retna Digital