Vote This Election !

Well election day is coming this Tuesday. Our Who Will You Vote For poll closed today. At almost 2 to 1 Barack Obama wins. Whats even more shocking, is the fact that 5% said they are not voting for anyone. This is the most important election ever. If you do not vote, then you can not complain about anything that is happening in our country. Do not think that just because Barack Obama is in the lead and it's a sure thing, that you do not need to vote. You vote needs to be heard weather it is for John McCain or Barack Obama or anyone else. Our country is falling apart. Wall Street has gotten away with murder. They murdered millions of Americans dreams for the future. Illegal Immigration is killing our country. Just go to your supermarket and your restaurants and your deli's. Jobs that used to be good for Americans are now being held by illegal aliens. This does not help Americans, this helps greedy companies and share holders. They are having babies in this country, which makes the children citizens and right away they are put on welfare and medicaid. They are living off hard working Americans. The bailout was a disgrace, high powered CEO's are still getting their bonuses despite that we were told they wouldn't. The rich are getting richer as we are getting poorer. Health care costs are killing Americans. This is also being caused by Illegal Immigration. We are paying for their health care. Ever go to a emergency room and wait for 10 hours behind 50 Illegal Immigrants? This is what we do in New York City. We are seeing more and more homeless Americans on the streets of New York City here at Times Square Gossip. The oil companies want to keep ripping off the hard working people in this country. The oil cartel's want to cut production to make the prices go up and to further hurt Americans. We need more sources of energy so we aren't sending our hard earned money to other countries. We also need to stop the oil companies subsidies. We need to get out of Iraq and to start using our resources in America, not in every other country around the world. We need to legalize Marijuana so our jails aren't full of Americans who did nothing wrong. We never heard of Marijuana killing anyone, but what about alcohol? Marijuana arrests are costing this country billions every year. We must legalize Marijuana. We should ban imported cars so our car companies can make a comeback and more Americans have jobs working for them. We need to stop importing food and toys and everything else from China. How many pets died last year because China could give a crap about the safety of Americans or their pets? How many toys came over with lead in them? How much food came over here infected with one thing or another? We do not need China or any other country. We are Americans and in this country we can do anything. Americans are the innovators, not the imitators. Every time you do not vote, you are letting other people make your decision. Do not let this happen. VOTE !


Anonymous said…
Interesting piece you have written, James. I disagree with you in part but not in whole. From my perspective, we have two very weak candidates selected for leadership and neither of them is competent to lead our country at this time. Further, what is the difference in the platforms of the parties offering us these two men? Very little.

I have become most disappointed in our elected officers and despair for a time when reason used to rule. Seems today is all about the getting and the getting more of just to own; truly powerful persons know the ultimate power is in the sharing.

I will vote third party for the second time.