Licking Lindsay Lohan's dad Michael, has been forced to delay his forthcoming charity boxing match until next year, after parole officers pulled him out of the Long Island New York fight.The bout against computer boss Bob Venero, who pledged $30,000 at auction to climb into the ring with Lohan, was scheduled for Monday. But Lohan has been forced to postpone until next March when his parole ends following a two-year jail sentence. He was charged with driving while intoxicated and aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle after his 2004 arrest, following an attack on his ex-wife Dina’s brother. A spokesperson for the New York State Division of Parole says, "Mr. Lohan was convicted of assault, which is a violent crime, and is currently under parole supervision until February of 2009. "We do not feel that participating in a violent activity, such as celebrity boxing, whether it is for charity or not, is appropriate for his rehabilitation. It is inappropriate for a person on parole to engage in the same type of behavior that landed him in prison in the first place." Lohan tells the New York Daily News he is "very disappointed" but understands the decision. He adds, "I’ve been on parole for almost two years now, and being that everything has gone so well, I didn’t want to cross the line in any way with them." And Lohan already has another contender in mind, music producer Mark Ronson, the brother of Lindsay’s lesbian girlfriend Samantha. He adds, "After the comments and threats that Mark Ronson made recently, maybe he wants to fight me for charity. I’m definitely willing to step in the ring for three rounds with Mark Ronson."

Photo By: RD / Dziekan / Retna Digital
