Desperate Housewives Eva Longoria's husband, Tony Parker, is partying after a Los Angeles-based photo agency apologized for claiming he had an affair with a sexy French model last summer. Happy couple Parker and his wife sued X17 bosses after they claimed the basketball star romanced supermodel Alexandra Paressant after meeting her on his wedding day last July.
And now, almost four months after X17 ran with the allegations, which were supported by Paressant, the agency chiefs have released an apology. A statement reads, "X17 online and X17, Inc. regret having been misled by Ms. Paressant and her representatives and apologize to Mr. Parker for any damage or inconvenience this may have caused him or his wife." Parker has always insisted he has never met Paressant.
And now, almost four months after X17 ran with the allegations, which were supported by Paressant, the agency chiefs have released an apology. A statement reads, "X17 online and X17, Inc. regret having been misled by Ms. Paressant and her representatives and apologize to Mr. Parker for any damage or inconvenience this may have caused him or his wife." Parker has always insisted he has never met Paressant.