I have received several nasty e-mails and posts about the comments made on Times Square Gossip. One such e-mail seemed to think that I should delete anyone who disagrees with them and their opinions. I WILL NOT !
As long as the comment isn't vulgar to the point where I feel it should be deleted, or is not spam, I will not delete even if they call me a fat slob, as that is their opinion. This is America and everyone has a right to have their say. There are many comments that disagree with me. I do not and will not delete. We are not children here. I work hard to write many stories everyday even on Christmas and Thanksgiving, I am working. I also have to make a living and go out and shoot these celebrities. I work day and night trying to make this site a great place for everyone. If things need improvement, you can e-mail me with your thoughts at . I love each and every reader and appreciate everyone of you, but I will not be abused by child like readers that think I should delete comments that don't agree with their view. I am not going to be like the other sites and play the games. I let people comment so their views can be seen by the world. This is not the Bahamas !
James Edstrom
Appreciate you being YOU...
I think you're doing a great job, given all the personalities that post on your blog.
Keep doing what you're doing and maybe the "children" will just go away with their filth and vile.
Thanks again, James.
It takes a tall man of strength to stand for their views and not bow to the winds as they blow. You are tall.
A wonderful site. I know you respect the views of others and have a very deep and abiding love for the freedom of speech we have in the U.S.
All of use need to be respectful of others and their opinion.
Thanks for all your hard work.
take care. Remember except for the grace of God , there go I.
Enjoy your beautiful creation, magnificent authenticity, and fairness to all!
Take care!