EXCLUSIVE TO TIMES SQUARE GOSSIP: The Cleveland-based rock aggregation NYE first began in January 2005 with the release of their debut CD UNDER MY SKIN; and, they had several tracks from that CD used in the shows CRIBS and MY SWEET SIXTEEN. Three more tracks were used in MTV's MADE in October 2005, but the with the release of their latest effort SURFACE, the four man-group has caught the attention of the music-buying public. A smarty re-created and re-envisioned production of the legendary SPLINT ENZ track, "I Got You" (which was originally released in the early 80's, is succeeding in catapulting the group to prominence across the country. There are 2 clear factors for this success, first to the group for a particularly canny choice, and the second to master-producer MARK S. BERRY. Berry, the legendary mix-master of the 80's, who's re-cast himself as a talent magnate (ATTACK GROUP) in Canada, has produced a track that everyone seems to like. Says NYE-frontman DAVE ENGLAND, "That's a great, great song ... it was in the 80s and it is now. We all grew up listening to that song and felt is was due for an update."


Anonymous said…
I heard that 'Surface' has sold as many as 11 copies in Parma alone!
Anonymous said…
you guys rock... good luck.. hope you make it huge... so i can go back stage :-P