Gwen Stefani Is Packing
Gwen Stefani carries a gun to keep other women away from her husband.The 'Wind It Up' singer is paranoid hoards of women want to bed her handsome rocker spouse Gavin Rossdale, so she has a drastic method of scaring them off. She quipped to Bust magazine: "Gavin is always going to be a chick magnet. So I always have to have a gun in my pocket, just in case!"Although Gavin, 41, is plagued by adoring female fans, Gwen, 37, insists she doesn't have the same trouble with male groupies. She explained: "I don't really have a problem with groupies. Never have. The boys I meet always seem to be really shy."Gwen and Gavin married in 2002 and have a son, Kingston. In 2004, it was revealed Gavin was the father of British singer Pearl Lowe's teenage daughter, Daisy Lowe, his goddaughter.The pair had a brief relationship many years before Gavin started dating Gwen, and have remained close friends.
