Highlights From Today's View
THE VIEW: My kids can't be friends with white people
Hot Topics: 5th Roy Moore Accuser Speaks Out About His Alleged Sexual Misconduct.
Sunny Hostin says: "When his supporters are saying they still support him — I hope they look at what a 14-year-old looks like!"
"This stain is going to stay with us [Republicans]!" Meghan McCain weighs in on the impact of allegations against Moore, saying tribalism may be influencing conservatives to "vote for their people no matter what."
Hot Topics: Re-examining Accusations Against Bill Clinton.
In light of many prominent men facing career-ending sexual misconduct allegations, we discuss allegations leveled against Bill Clinton. Joy Behar says right now, "we should be dealing with the present tense even more — but it's not a bad idea to bring it up."
Hostin says: "Sexual harassment, sexual assault isn't a partisan issue! it's wrong across the board..."
Hot Topics: Teaching Children Of Color To Be Cautious Around White People?
"This bothered me because I think kids get it right and adults get it wrong — this is not something people are born feeling," Sara Haines says.
"They're not looking at color," Whoopi Goldberg says of children.
Meghan McCain explains how she has an adopted sister of color, saying if her parents had ever implied that she would have a different relationship with her sister because of the color of their skin it would have been "so absurd, gross, and deeply irresponsible": "When people are writing things like this, you have to understand that being friends also can mean being family."
Mary J. Blige on SNL's Portrayal Of Her, Mudbound and more.
"It's sad that this movie is relevant right now," Blige says of Mudbound, a movie set in Jim Crow Mississippi. "It's really really sad that we're still here."
"I don't think the Ku Klux Klan has gotten the memo that we're free and that we all belong, everybody belongs — no matter what color you are, what gender...!"
Courtesy Of: ABC / Disney