Leah Remini On Larry King Now
Leah Remini – who famously left the Church of Scientology in 2013, after being a member for 35 years – sits with Larry King to discuss the organization’s controversial practices, Tom Cruise’s involvement, and why she welcomes the church to sue her over her new docu-series.
Leah Remini on Scientology: I was a fraud
Describing the Church of Scientology as a “pay-as-you-go religion,” Leah Remini – a former Scientologist – says involvement in the organization comes at great personal expense, as members pursue the alleged spiritual gains that go along with climbing the ranks of the religion.
Leah Remini: Tom Cruise thinks I’m the devil
Maintaining that Tom Cruise is sincerely dedicated to the Church of Scientology, Leah Remini – a former Scientologist who has spoken out against the church – says that Cruise has been taught by the organization to believe that she and people like her are the devil.
Leah Remini on “suppressive people” in Scientology
Former Scientologist Leah Remini describes how she says the church deals with “suppressive people” – those who have left the organization and criticize it – by systematically working to ruin their lives.
Leah Remini to Church of Scientology: Sue me
In response to the Church of Scientology’s assertions that Leah Remini’s new docu-series about the organization is factually inaccurate, the actress and former Scientologist has a powerful response: sue me.