Kristen Bell Speaks To Huffington Post

Following the highly-anticipated film premiere of Veronica Mars at SXSW last weekend, Actress Kristen Bell stopped by HuffPost Live and opened up about a shocking encounter with a photographer who called her, “the C-word.” The actress, who has been outspoken about the paparazzi and their "aggressive" practices, also stressed the importance of parental consent when photographing minors.

Interview Excerpts Below:

On the encounter with the photographer: 

Bell: "First of all, they're really rude and I don't know where their mothers are, but I had a guy, just when I was leaving my interview before this, I was pulling into the garage, he was banging on the window and because I didn't roll it down, he called me the C-word and he said, 'I'm posting your hotel,' as a threat saying there's going to be more people now following you all the time… Aren’t you shocked I didn’t stop to pose for him? People act like animals and that’s just not okay with me... It's absurd and it’s gotten to a point where we've just lost a humanity...”

On the importance of parental consent: 

Bell: “You cannot be stalking 6-year-olds...To me, it's [about] consent. If a parent consents, that's like signing a permission slip. Because I signed up to be an actress, I also signed up to be a parent and I take my role as a mother very seriously and you do not have permission to photograph my daughter. So, if someone gives you permission, that's fine. If a celebrity sets something up, I'm not here to come down on them, but it really should be up to the parent."
