Sarah Sanders On DACA Decision: "Force Congress To Actually Do Their Jobs"
Gov. Huckabee comments on pardoned ex-sheriff Joe Arpaio: "I do not agree that he's a racist."
Sarah Sanders On The View |
Sanders On Being A Mom & New Job
"It perfectly prepared me to deal with the White House press corps," Sanders said of raising young children.
Sanders On Defending Pres. Trump
Jedediah Bila asked if she's "struggled" "as a woman, as a person" to defend Pres. Trump: "Women want equal opportunity, and this president certainly gives it to them."
Trump's Self-Proclaimed War With "Fake News" Media
Co-host Sara Haines questioned the press secretary about the White House's responsibility to mend those fences, saying: "It's dangerous because the media is here for a purpose — it has a very important historical role. And when people that don't know the difference in these mediums are sitting out there going 'media, fake news, fake news' you are kind of taking away a check and balance of society."
Gov. Huckabee On Pardoned Arizona Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio
"I know Joe Arpaio," Huckabee said. "I do not agree that he's a racist."
Sanders On DACA Decision: "Force Congress To Actually Do Their Jobs"
"A lot of people are protesting Trump Tower," she told the co-hosts. "I think they should go protest the United States Capitol — those are the people that have the ability to actually make laws."
Sanders Responded To Trump's Viral Eclipse Moment
Haines concluded their interview by asking Sanders: "What were you thinking when President Trump looked directly into the eclipse?"
"Maybe he has superpowers we don't know about," Sanders joked.