Rich Donald Trump

The following came from New York Communities for Change. We highly agree, Trump is after the poor. Plain and simple.Please sign petition.

Did you know Donald Trump doesn’t trust poor people to make economic policy? That’s exactly what he revealed at a rally last week where he said he doesn’t “want a poor person” in his cabinet making economic decisions.

Trump is using this as an excuse to allow his corporate cabinet to make policy decisions that line the pockets of the wealthy. While he claims only rich people can make good economic policy, his proposed $7 billion cuts to federal housing programs will leave hundreds of thousands of people who rely on them vulnerable.

This isn't a "sound" economic decision — and we’re not going to take it. On July 12, tenants will march in Washington DC for one of the biggest housing marches in the nation led by low-income communities against Trump's housing budget cuts. Sign up here to RSVP for the march and get the latest details on buses to DC.

Low-income communities, especially those of color, will be hit hardest by cuts to federal housing. These cuts are going to impact housing programs like subsidized housing vouchers and repairs for public housing, which in New York are already massively backlogged.

The people who Trump "doesn't want' making economic decisions are going to feel these immoral and unjust cuts the most.

But tenants will rise on July 12 for their right to fair, affordable, and secure housing. Join us at the Tenant March on Washington -- sign up here for the latest updates on the march route and how to get there from New York.

This march will spark off a national housing movement led by low-income communities to fight against our neighborhoods, homes, and families being sold out and sold off to private interests while losing necessary funding for federal housing.

We'll see you on the streets of DC,

Genny Roman
Digital Strategist
New York Communities for Change
