Dolly Parton Visits Wendy Williams
Wendy Williams' bosom buddy, Dolly Parton, joined her on the purple couch today to talk the necessity of make-up, her thoughts on god daughter Miley Cyrus, and why she doesn't eat her own cooking. Dolly also performed the track "Try" from her new album, "Blue Smoke."
Dolly revealed make-up is integral to her routine at home and particularly when in California, before joking about the circumstances when she might consider going out without being made up. "I would be wig-less, but like I said, I put little hot rollers in my hair in the morning and a little scrunchie but I would not answer the door without some makeup or hair. No. I spend a lot of time in California, and you know, they're always prone to have earthquakes, I never take my makeup off at night, I always keep it. Cause, I thought, if I have to run out in the streets you know, I have to look good cause you know there are going to be cameras everywhere. The only way I'd go out without make up and my hair done up a little bit is if my husband had a heart attack and I'd have to really think about it."
As godmother to Miley Cyrus and having worked with her on "Hannah Montana," Dolly admitted she is still yet to see her perform in concert. "Miley's going through a lot of changes. We just have to trust her cause she's so talented, she's so smart. She had to just be totally drastic because we wouldn't let her grow up. It's sort of like Shirley Temple. We didn't want her to grow up either. But Miley had to be drastic, she said 'I had to kill Hannah Montana for people to accept me as Miley'. But she's talented and I hope she makes all the right choices."
Dolly dished about sticking to a high protein diet through the week but told Wendy that this hadn't hampered her ability to cook. "I make food just like my mum, my grandmas and my aunts used to make. People don't cook like that anymore. I'm one of the older kids, there's twelve of us kids. I have a sister and two brothers older. But my sister, Willadeene and I used to do all the cooking cause mom was always having a baby. So I learned to cook early on. I just cook all that great Southern food. Soul food. I love pork. It's my favorite. I know people don't. But it's so tasty, it's so good. But I cook chicken and dumplings. I just cook all kinds of food. I can't eat it like I used to."