Camille Grammer With Kathy Wakile

It was “A Night to Make Magic” as Kathy Wakile, Camille Grammer, and Gavin DeGraw joined the Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation at the Beverly Hills Hotel recently.

Camille Grammer arrived at the party looking stunning in a white dress with her hair pulled back in a ponytail. Her special guest was her mother, a cancer survivor. Grammar was an Honoree for the event and expressed her gratitude stating, “I’m honored to be a part of this evening and want to encourage everyone to raise money for this important cause!”

However, the Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation holds a special place in their heart for the Wakile Family because Kathy’s daughter, Victoria Wakile is a Brain Tumor Survivor. Kathy explained, “We just got so lucky that she was ok, we want to do everything we can to give back and raise awareness for this cause. Reality TV gave us this amazing platform to speak about the issue and we're just so happy to be here tonight."

Richie and Kathy Wakile put all divorce rumors to rest last night as they acted as cute and loving as ever. At one point, Richie Wakile grabbed Kathy on the Red Carpet and remarked to the photographers, “This is my favorite shot of the night!”, as their two children groaned in embarrassment.

The reality couple took photos of themselves on their phones, cuddled, smiled, and were seen sneaking in kisses to one another all night long.

To enhance the night even more, Double-Platinum Singer, Songwriter, & Musician Gavin DeGraw performed for the evening. DeGraw ended his performance with his hit song, “Not Over You” and instead of returning to his greenroom, he schmoozed with fans and the Housewives.

The event produced by Maverick Events proved to be a huge success with the live auction raising thousands of dollars for the deserving foundation. Some highlights? Lunch with Kathy was auctioned for $2k and a chance to attend the Emmy’s Gift Lounge with Camille Grammer was auctioned for $11k.

Guitars signed by Gavin, another lunch with Kathy and other one-of-a-kind auction items are still available through June 20th on

Photo Courtesy Of:: Vivien Killilea/Domain MSA
