Story By: James Edstrom
Congessswoman Carolyn Maloney With James Edstrom
PR Guru Todd Shapiro With Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney
Last night was one wild night on Central Park South, at the home of PR Powerhouse Todd Shapiro. Todd threw a bash to celebrate the summer in New York City and The Hampton's, and it was standing room only. If fact, so many people showed up for this event, we had to form a line outside and wait for people to leave so others could come in. And of course, I helped man the velvet ropes.
Master Sushi Chefs prepared the food as stunning servers catered to the every need of the power players of NYC. This was one great dining experience.
But as always, the highlight of our very ultra private after party, was sitting down with Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney. The last time I saw Carolyn was a few months ago in Washington DC, and we flew back to New York City together on a mutual friends private jet. Listening to Congresswoman Maloney, is like talking to a very close family member. Everyone she meets, rich or poor, she relates too. She knows the problems in our country and she is at the forefront of making things work. The projects she works on to help New Yorkers and Americans to have a better life, and the endless work she does amazes me. I have many powerful politician friends, but Congresswoman Maloney always has a special place in my heart and the heart of New Yorkers. We need more like her!