
Story By: Sara Herbert Galloway
The HebertCollection

Sharon Bush With Jean Shafiroff

Kathy Hilton With Governor Paterson And Jay McInerney

Anne And Daughter Amanda Hearst

Anthony Kennedy Shriver’s charity, Best Buddies rode into town with a chic western ho’ down held at the Hamptons estate of Ann Hearst and Jay McInerney. The Hamptons social crowd tossed their Jimmy Choo’s aside for the evening to slip into cowboy boots and western attire. Everything was cowboy from the cuisine to the décor. One lovely guest wore a holster with guns, another gentlemen wore a white cowboy shirt trimmed in black with Rodeo written on the back. I complemented him on his fashionable rodeo shirt, he was quick to joke that it did not mean that he was a fan of the Rodeo, but of Rodeo Drive. I couldn’t help but agree with him.It is always a treat to spend time at the beautiful and eclectic home of Anne and Jay who are the most gracious host and hostess. Jay, an established author is never without a quick witted story to entertain his guests. Anne has a warmth and genuine sense of humor that makes everyone feel welcome. The Hearst Castle on the west coast has been the home to many Best Buddies events. Tatiana and Campion Platt were co-chairs this year as well as last year. Tatiana is on the Board of Directors of Best Buddies and introduced me to the organization when she was honored at The Crystal Pavilion in Palm Beach two years ago. I immediately became enamored with the accomplishments of Best Buddies throughout the world and the strong commitment of its supporters. Tatiana and Campion Platt have many philanthropic and business successes. I think one of their proudest accomplishments is the recent birth of their baby boy Fox Scudder, who attended the event for a while. He is 6 months old and may be following in his parent’s philanthropic footsteps even before he can walk. Newcomers, Haley and Jason Binn of the media giant Niche-Media co-chaired the event for the first time. Jason will serve on Best Buddies International Board of Directors. Haley and Jason support many charities and are a perfect addition to the Best Buddies family. They have two beautiful daughters and divide their time between NY, Southampton, Miami and Aspen. Anthony Kennedy Shriver was and his beautiful family were missed by all of us at the event. Our sympathy goes out to them due to the recent loss of Anthony’s beloved mother Eunice. Eunice’s life’s work to help the learning disabled will be carried on through Anthony’s work with Best Buddies. To learn more about Best Buddies go to
Photos By: Patrick McMullen
