Mel Gibson has been invited to eat at a hip new kosher steakhouse in Los Angeles. Jewish steak joint Prime Grill Beverly Hills has just opened on Rodeo Drive and so far Nicole Richie, Colin Farrell and Carmen Electra have visited to sample the cuisine. Now, the owners have asked Mel - who launched into an anti-Semitic rant after he was stopped by police in the summer - to come to the eatery. A representative for the restaurant told the New York Post newspaper: "We've extended invitations to the ever so faithful Jew-loving celebrities such as Gibson. His representative has not yet responded to the invitation."In July this year Gibson, 50, hurled a string of anti-Semitic abuse at a police officer who stopped him on suspicion of drunk driving, during which he allegedly said: "Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world. "The 'Mad Max' actor pleaded guilty to the charge and was given three years probation, ordered to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and told to enroll in an alcohol abuse program for three months. He has since apologised for his comments. Gibson said afterwards: "I acted like a person completely out of control when I was arrested, and said things that I do not believe to be true and which are despicable."I am deeply ashamed of everything I said, and I apologise to anyone who I have offended."