Kate Winslet has banned fashion magazines from her home, in case the thin models influence her daughter.The 'Titanic' star, who has previously spoken out against airbrushing bodies in glossy magazine shoots to make stars appear thinner - fears her six-year-old daughter Mia will become obsessed with the disturbing skinny trend and develop an unhealthy body image. She told BBC's 'Sunday AM' show: "It is unbelievably disturbing what's going on at the moment. Young girls are impressionable. What I resent is that there is an image of perfection that is getting thinner and thinner."It' only a matter of time before Mia becomes aware of it and that frightens the life out of me." Kate says she refuses to shed weight because she doesn't want to send out the wrong message to her impressionable young fans. She said: "I hope that in some small way I'm able to say 'I'm a normal person, I'm doing all right, I've got a lovely husband and children and I didn't lose weight to find those things, and those things are what should be important'. They are trying to figure out who they are and they want to be loved. Its truly upsetting to me."The 31-year-old is currently starring alongside Cameron Diaz, Jack Black and Jude Law in festive romantic comedy 'The Holiday'.