Josh Hartnett was reportedly seen kissing supermodel Gisele Bundchen on Saturday night. The 'Pearl Harbor' actor was openly canoodling with the Brazilian beauty in New York gastro pub The Spotted Pig. A source told the New York Post newspaper: "They were all over each other."Last week, Josh was seen kissing his on/off girlfriend Scarlett Johansson in another New York eatery.The couple were said to have been going through a rough patch because they had to spend so much time apart while Josh was away filming new movie '30 Days of Night' in New Zealand. During shooting he was seen enjoying a weekend in Sydney, Australia, with his co-star, New Zealand actress Amber Sainsbury. Last week's romantic meal had led to speculation that Josh and Scarlett had patched up their differences, however, the 'Lost In Translation' actress said in a recent interview she favours open relationships. Representatives for both stars have refused to comment on the situation.

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