The meat-eaters mecca PALM WEST, on 50th street in NYC, today played host to an impressive array of media-movers-and-shakers for CNN's JEFF GREENFIELD's pro forma 'election day' luncheon.
Seated in one of the restaurants Private Dining Rooms (PDF) were: NBC's TIM RUSSERT and BRIAN WILLIAMS; 60 MINUTES' LESLIE STAHL; Clinton-confidant JAMES CARVILLE; TIMES MAGAZINE's JEFFREY TOOBIN; and,' Primary Colors' author JOE KLEIN. According to an insider who was seated near the room, the laughter was loud and the food was flowing freely. Carville was seen delighting the throng with his usual array of stories ... and, Williams and Russert were seen talking together several times.
Greenfield, the official host seemed very pleased.
