Courtney Love has posed nude for a British fashion magazine.The 42-year-old star, the widow of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain, travelledto Ibiza to pose for exclusive bi-annual magazine Pop, which is out laterthis month.In one of the pictures, the former Hole singer is pictured standing with herlegs apart and her breasts fully exposed wearing only "strappy designerpanties"Another shows the blonde fully naked with her knees curled up to protect hermodesty.Love is currently promoting her new book - a scrapbook of her privatejournals - 'Dirty Blonde: The Diaries of Courtney Love'.The singer-turned-actress appeared fully naked throughout her closing scenein the 1996 film 'The People vs. Larry Flynt' but has always declinedlucrative offers to pose nude for men's magazines.Love recently confessed to taking LSD when she was just four-years-old andclaimed it had made her a better person.She said: "Because I was given acid at four, I think my mind was freed."