Geraldo Rivera had a very interesting guest on the other night. Contrary to Howard K. Stern's claims that the famous Anna Nicole Smith clown video was just acting, Ford Shelly appeared exclusively on Geraldo to dispute Stern's claims, telling us that Anna Nicole Smith was drugged out while pregnant and not acting. In the background, you hear Shelly's 9 year old daughter asking someone to help Anna Nicole. What was supposed to be a play date for the child and a celebration of her birthday, turned into a horror. Stern claimed on Larry King Live that the video was stolen and the clips previously seen were edited. Well Geraldo had the whole tape and it shows how heartless Stern is by taping Anna Nicole in a drugged out state and even asks her if shes on a mushroom trip. He even comments that " This footage is worth money". Shelly tells Geraldo that when they arrived, Anna Nicole was sober but then his daughter witnessed Howard K. Stern give Anna Nicole something from a white bottle with red stripes. After that she becomes incoherent. She believes the doll she is holding is her real baby and her baby bump is just gas. The 9 year old switches the doll off to prove to Anna Nicole that its just a doll. Meanwhile Stern talks to a camera man named Mark and gives him instructions and is concerned that some footage they took won't be usable because of music playing in the background. But on Larry King Stern claimed the video was for personal use. More Lies. He then tells the camera man not to use one shot with Anna Nicole's breast showing. At one point Shelly's daughter says shut the tape off and help Anna Nicole. As Anna Nicole continues to walk around with the doll, you hear Stern say " Is your baby still alive Anna ? ". Anna Nicole stumbles out to the tennis court area still believing the doll is real. Then Shelly's daughter comes up to the camera and says " I think we need the hospital. Howard seriously, please help !
And to think this person Howard K. Stern took a picture of Anna Nicole Smith with her dead son in the hospital. Yes, we know Howard. It was only for your scrapbook. We all take pictures of dead people. You may think you can go on Entertainment Tonight and Larry King to spew your stories, but America is smarter than you. And America is smarter than Larry King and Entertainment Tonight. We won't put up with slanted news filled with lies. Justice is coming and I hope they have KY where you are going !
Strange how so many things in Rita Cosby's book 'Blonde Ambition' The Untold Story Of Anna Nicole Smith are being proved true. STRANGE....


Anonymous said…
Lisa Summers Haas
Director, Communications (Entertainment Tonight, The Insider)
I contacted this person and ask that they look into Mark Steines role in producing that "Clown Video"

James, we think Howard was giving production notes to Mark Steines of Entertainment Tonight.

Someone needs to look into their role in all of this!

Howard K. Stern is an evil shit and his parents should be ashamed of letting him funnel money through them.
Anonymous said…
i cry everytime i see this :-(
Anonymous said…
Howard this other part of the video is worse that the first part. It clearly shows that she was drugged up, out of her mind. Any documents that you had her sign would be thrown out of any court. This just proves what everyone has been saying about you. You are a nasty leech. You do not do this to someone you love. This was morbid , everything you did was morbid.You were in control of her life. She was not in control of herself. You should be ashamed to do this to her. People say that Anna had her own mind? Do you call this “her own mind” She was a “smart business woman’? You are kidding me right?
“This is worth money” umm Howard if it was private and not to be seen, why are you directing so much? Why are you saying “this is worth money”..?

Who is this mark? Maybe Moe and those other three witnesses will shed a light on who this Mark is. I hope Virgie takes them all down.

Larry??? What do you have to say? Are you so money hungry that you are STILL going to side with this creep? You need to detach yourself from him before you go down too.
I am not sure if it is too late or not for you Larry. You might have done too much damage already.

That was YOUR baby inside Anna that Howard fed drugs too. Why was he asking if her baby was alive? Was he waiting for her to lose it? You look at that sweet baby in the eyes. Howard could have killed her. Where is your morals man?
Anonymous said…
Such a sad video. HKS has a few screws loose. What a pathetic man he is. I'll bet a psychiatrist couldn't even help him. I'd like to see him in a psychiatry ward doped up with a four hour schedule of drugs so he didn't even know what he was doing most of the time. And someone filming all of it.

No person should be treated the way Anna Nicole was. I wish she could have gotten away from him. She made a mistake when she moved to the Bahamas. That's when he really started controlling her and keeping her away from her family and friends. I think she and Virgie could have made up if they had a chance.

Another mistake Anna made was continuing to go after the Marshall money. After the Supreme Court case in 2006 Howard realized that he still had a chance to get his hands on that money. Three months later Daniel died. Coincidence? I doubt it. Five months after that Anna died. All part of his plan. And Danielynn is stuck in the middle to be manipulated by two very unsavory men.
Anonymous said…
A cruel person who doesn't, yet, comprehend the depth of his own sickness. What happened in his childhood to create such behavior?

I'm sorry in the world in which I grew up (a childhood that wasn't perfect) this man does not understand the true meaning of the world "LOVE"! Only a professional psychotherapist could create a label for such despicable "play"?!
Anonymous said…
I am so glad there is a God and he will judge Howard and anyone else that hurts others.
Anonymous said…
I am very thankful for Geraldo, who has stood tall, and who has not cowered down in fear of threats from Stern and his henchmen the way others have. Thank you, Geraldo. You are a hero in your investigation of the deaths of two people, where corruption and bribery have blocked justice.

It seems Greta, who is greatly disappointing in many of her recent shows, has joined the ranks of the questionable Stern camp, IMO. She was apparantly supporting Bain in his efforts to obtain money from Rita Cosby before he will document the statements he already said were true in the past, which he later denied. He indicated he would admit they were true if Rita pays.
Anybody who read his site comments knows that he clearly stated that the nannies previoiusly stated as true what Rita Cosby's book explosed, and he confirmed it with his own comments on his site and by phone. Greta, however, cast aspersions on Rita, although all four attorneys on her show supported Rita.

Greta supports the despicable Joe Francis, who victimized teenaged girls, and comments on her show last night indicated that she is now supporting Scott Peterson in his claiming innocence in the murder of Lacey Peterson and her unborn child. It follows that she appears to be supporting Stern.

It is likely that the videos we have seen of Anna, drugged and victimized, are just the tip of the iceberg. Howard's pandering of Anna and his atrocious pictures and videos of her, were said by him to be because "there was money in that". He is, in my opinion, a vile and evil person. In my opinion, his plots had transpired over a period of time, his actions were premeditated, and they were heartlessly and coldly carried out.
Anonymous said…
Larry Birkhead: I cannot believe how you can befriend a man that has put your daughter in such harm. you obviously have no morals or compassion either. That beautiful little girl deserves so much more than the deplorable people who are in her life now. Virgie I truly hope you are going to be involved in DL's life
Anonymous said…
Suzanne @11:07

Get off your high horse & quit putting everyone down who disagrees with you.

Go buy some more crappy junk lamps at QVC & get out more glue.....ha ha ha

cheap quality
Anonymous said…
Birkhead is what he is. He is shallow, self serving, and I think Anna went to any measure to keep him away from her child. It was reported that she said he abused her and hit her. Larry turned on the people who supported him as soon as he got the DNA. We have no idea the extent of Larry's depravity, either, not do we know how the child is cared for and who is around her.

It was not good when someone observed that the baby's fingernails were long and dirty, but that is nothing like as bad as being in harm's way, unprotected from evil, and utilized for money that she will likely in her lifetime never see a penny of.
Anonymous said…
11:33 poster - go back to TMZ where people post senseless comments with no basis. Your insane comments indicate that you escaped from a insane asylum.
Anonymous said…
gotta go order a cheap lamp off of QVC....ha ha ha!
Anonymous said…
Well, it looks as if HKS does want to be tried in the media and then scream he was tried in the media! It is apparent, after seeing the death of Daniel photo and this section of the clown video, this sicko likes to record grief... he finds a twisted delight in the misery of others. Macabre is the word for HKS.. (I wonder if he was actually doing this recording for someone else; somehow, I don't think the man has the brains to be this independent. )

We have enough problems in our society without this creep. Fry him. Slip HIM a mickey! Dishonest murdering thug.

Yes. I will post my name and stand behind my views. How about you doing the same?
Anonymous said…
Passing thru,

Couldn't agree with you more! I think Howard is diabolical, and he is reckless with all he does because he has gotten away with, well, you know, all he has done.

You know my views, and I stand behind them.

I am thankful for Geraldo, and for all the other heroes who have stepped up to the plate!

Anonymous said…
QVC is not cheap-I highly doubt you own a credit card as you can not simply write an x-and have it co-signed.You must be really jealous that she is able to purchase items on the web and by phone and you are stuck with drugs and 24 pair of Howard's shoes to shine.Suzanne is well liked and respected -you on the other hand are the same crazy person you always have been with your asinine ramblings. Really sad to see you constantly deleted-too funny.Bye now moron!James does not buy your stupidity and neither do we!
Anonymous said…
Faye, you have to wonder the mentality of someone who will come on a site which is discussing Geraldo and the Anna Nicole Case and rave about QVC and glue! LOL!

Geraldo is one of the people we now admire, and in whom we place our trust, along with John O'Quinn, Don Clark, Virgie Arthur, Rita Clark, Ford Shelley and Ben Thompson.

I would like to include Moe and Taz, and I hope they will step forward, as Taz already did.
Anonymous said…
that would be suzanne who tried to repair an original tiffany lamp bought on QVC with glue -- only suzanne
Anonymous said…
Howard is too dangerous to be around children so Larry is a spineless jerk to allow his continued presence with Dannielynn.

I think Shelley should sue Howard for putting his daughter through such an ordeal. She was begging Howard to do something.
Anonymous said…
Agreed! IMO Howard is a danger to society and to human life. Larry appears to be a creepy person surrounded by questionable people. Drugs are illegal. People should not take drugs. They should not expose babies to people who are doped on drugs who don't know what they are doing. What can happen to a helpless baby?
This baby's safety and health have been a worry since before she was born. Nothing has changed.
Anonymous said…
as time goes by, howard continues to show the evil that he is. the more he talks, the worse he makes things for himself and we see what a deviant he is.
"anna was my life" i guess he didn't think much of his life. the way he paraded her all drugged out (and SUPPLIED her with drugs) was simply to set the stage for destroying and killing her.
he claimed he wasn't to financially benefit from any of this but didn't he just file for anna's monies from the marshall case (as IF marshall's would settle..hahaha)
use the media like you have howard and then claim you can't get a fair trial. no matter, the world now knows what scum you are.
what was once rumor is coming true. and it'll get worse.
jail for howard, let him be among those of his mentality.
an insane assylum for larry since he has no spine.
give dannielynn to virgie. she needs her grandman.
Anonymous said…
Thanks to Geraldo and his brother Craig for revealing more information to the public about the clown video and other matters in this sad story. In my opinion, the clown video is very sad and disturbing. It makes me cry when I see it. In my opinion, Anna looks like she is on a drug to me. She is pregnant also. In my opinion, I do not think she is acting. It really is sad. It is what it is. IMO I will post my name, because I am not afraid to say my opinion.
Anonymous said…
I have been so entrenched in this whole thing since the day Daniel Wayne Smith died in the bahamas ..Everything that has followed since that day is so unimaginable that it has to be can't make this shit up....I used to post on tmz because i liked many of the other posts there and it was a place to go to to share info and opinions and even facts as they have come out. Then tmz got ruined and taken over by hks and lb and the posts there went quickly from trying to get to the bottom of how and why Daniel and Anna are dead to seeing posters fighting other posters and seeing both sides of the fence throwing out so much rediculus false info and filthy comments to each other that it became near impossible to get good info or opinions there.. then tmz started banning anyone that was not pro hks/lb. I have been banned there for a few months now and they have in total banned mu ip address and 3 email addresses and 2 posting names. thank you tmz you did me a favor.. Then i moved to tsg because james was king enought to take in us tmz But lately, I start to read the posts and before very long i just have to close it. Same as tmz, all the fighting bashing trashing name calling of posters to each other. The same on mrcontroversy. I went there for a yeard and had good informative chats.Now all of a sudden Lincoln went all howard on me and his site is now another tmz.. only i just don't know where to go to get good chat with people on both sides that can voice their opinions in decent respectful disagreement..In all of this fighting..Daniel Smith and his Momma and little sister and grandma haev been forgotten. now when i come to sites to read posts i have to page through pages and pages of crap to get to just one good post,.. So if anyone knows where i can go to post with the original posters with their original personalities please let me know..I'm starving for good chat in this matter.. Sincerely, say what ps .no offense to anyone.sometimes we just all need reminded of whats important here.i love many of you.and i know many of you feel the same as i do on this..
Anonymous said…
"Say what said", you experienced just what many of us endured. TMZ was a miserable experience. At first they started out slandering Virgie Arthur, insulting her and saying heinous things. Levins encouraged this with the statements he himself made, which in my view were also slander, when he started posts on Mrs. Arthur with his beginning comments. What he said was subject for a law suit to be filed by Mrs. Arthur if she so desired, IMO.

Then the posters began to insult everybody who pursued justice in the deaths of Anna and Daniel, they used the names of those persons all over the Internet making insane and unacceptable remarks. This went from bad to worse. I received an e-mail from Larry, saying they had connections, that they got what they wanted, and threatening me. I don't know if it was from him, but it did appear to be, and was signed Larry. I did keep it for use if needed. Finally we were banned, which was a relief, but first computers were damaged and personal information appears to have been disclosed to Stern people. This was illegal and unethical.

We post on other sites, but those Stern supporters, who sound deranged, follow us and continue their rude, baseless statements and attacks, as you see here today.

We had some really brilliant people posting, investigating and seeking justice for Anna and Daniel. I really love those people, as you do, and miss them, although I am in contact with many of them and post with them now.

Anonymous said…
woo woo Suzanne is claiming computer damage from tmz. boo hoo

She buys crap - for instance junk from QVC

Her computer that brok was probably another piece of crap!

Spend money for quality Suzanne!
Anonymous said…
Bad anal-assonymous-QVC is not cheap jerk.At least she has a credit card versus your welfare card!Get a life moron!Leave her alone-we know whom you are you are so damn stupid what the hell is brok-one of your chipped teeth from sucking door-knobs.
Anonymous said…
typical faye!
Anonymous said…
say what

try posting/reading on Crime Library.
Take a day or two to stroll thru; if I can figure it out, I know you can!
Anonymous said…
Faye, that woman has nothing to contribute, so she slinks around making insane comments everywhere. Nobody pays any attention to her. She is a mental case. Her moron fellow cult members must have kicked her out of TMZ. Even they couldn't tolerate her, and that is sinking low, LOL!
Anonymous said…
I found Crime Library VERY biased against Virgie Arthur and very pro Stern. The Stern people were allowed free license to bash Virgie.
Anonymous said…
When a man loves a woman
Can't keep his mind on nothing else (what mind? )
He'll trade the world (or sell her to the world)
For the good thing he's found (her money)
If she's bad he can't see it (because he made her “look” that way to the world…
She can do no wrong (but he can)
Turn his back on his best friend (he didn’t have any)
If he put her down (he is the only one that put her down)

When a man loves a woman
Spend his very last dime (he didn’t have a dime)
Tryin' to hold on to what he needs (he needed it all)
He'd give up all his comfort (he had nothing to begin with)
Sleep out in the rain (or send her ou tin the rain)
If she said that's the way it ought to be (she tried to send him out of her life)

Well, this man loves a woman
I gave you everything I had (but what he had she bought –he had nothing)
Tryin' to hold on to your precious love (what love?)
Baby, please don't treat me bad (he deserved it)

When a man loves a woman
Down deep in his soul (he is soulless)
She can bring him such misery (yea life is a bitch)
If she plays him for a fool (he played her for a fool)
He's the last one to know (he thinks he is the only one that knows)
Lovin' eyes can't ever see ( you mean lyin eyes?

When a man loves a woman
He can do no wrong (he did it all wrong)
He can never own some other girl (he owned her soul)
Yes when a man loves a woman
I know exactly how he feels (she can’t feel anything she is dead)
'Cause baby, baby, baby, you're my world

When a man loves a woman..... (he was obsessed with her , that aint love!
Anonymous said…
7":52pm the last words of your post reminded me of a song ,....reo speedwagon...that ain't love...and boy is that the truth...thanks .hadnt heard it in awhile.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous...even in Australia we are all entitled to our own views and allowed to disagree with others. IMO HK$ & Dr. Khristine should be found NEGLIGIBLE for the death of ANS. The "Bitches of Birkwick"...Arthur,Cosby & Dopey together with their lawyers etc are just money hungry bottom feeders. I hope neither ANS nor D/L get anything from the Marshall estate {just watch all the "greedy" desert the ship "in the blink of an eye"}. Then and only then will Larry, his family and friends be able to raise D/L correctly.
Anonymous...please respect my view...thankyou
Anonymous said…
Jill from Australia - I agree with you!

When you refer to Arthur, cosby & Dopey as bottom feeders I also agree - except who is Dopey?

It's early - not enough coffee yet!
Anonymous said…
Australia must be limited as to accurate information in regard to the actual facts in the deaths of Daniel and Anna Smith. There are many factors, involving questionable estate matters, criminal activities, and lethal drugs which Daniel did not take himself, and look at what was done to Anna at the Hard Rock. She had been infected with a dirty needle, could have died from the blood infection, wasn't taken to the hospital, and finally died in filthy sheets.

To each his own, though, and you are certainly entitled to your belief, although I think you are just another Stern supporter from TMZ, LOL. Incidentally, I don't see Larry and his family doing much to secure and protect Danielynn's life, and his friends are questionable in the views of most.
Anonymous said…
Hi, how's the weather down in Australia? I'm in Tennessee, USA. I respect your view. But my view is that Larry expects money from the Marshall estate and is using the baby for a t.v. show and photo shoots. I don't think he would have claimed the baby if he didn't expect to make money from her. I don't see him working to support Danielynn. He could move to Kentucky and keep her out of the limelight now, but he's busy making money deals. That's not raising the baby correctly imo. I also don't think there will be any Marshall money. But, I think Virgie would want to see her granddaughter whether there was money or not. She just doesn't trust HKS. I don't either.
Anonymous said…
Sure glad they have "experts" in Tennessee to tell someone how to raise a child correctly.

What would the world do without you?

Virgie is a bottom feeder, as is Cosby, but who id Dopey that Jill from Australia was referring to?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
Hi, how's the weather down in Australia? I'm in Tennessee, USA.
9:53 AM
Anonymous said…
Virgie Arthur is a wonderful woman and is not the bottom feeder, since monster Howard is the parasitic bottom feeder.

Virgie Arthur WORKED as a law enforcement officer who retired with honor. She is certainly no murderer, swindler, drug trafficker, money launderer, nor does she live off a baby, nor would she.

You should wish you could be the successful person Rita Cosby is, and as much respected.

Your boy Howard is a pariah. So is Larry now. Howard has never been anything respectable, and Larry's brief popularity turned to his being held in contempt by the masses.

Get real.
Anonymous said…
Nice try Suzanne, but no cigar.

Virgie Arthur shot her kid. Virgie Arthur living kids are in prison and/or ex cons.

Vergie Arthur was behind Rita's fake book, and is a bottom feeder to the max.
Anonymous said…
Sure glad they have "experts" in Tennessee to tell someone how to raise a child correctly.

What would the world do without you?

Virgie is a bottom feeder, as is Cosby, but who id Dopey that Jill from Australia was referring to?

10:03 AM

Is that all the Stern supporters can do is insult someone when they give their opinions? Guess so. They have no real defense for Howard so why not bash someone else who does not agree with them?
Anonymous said…
Nice try Suzanne, but no cigar.
Virgie Arthur shot her kid. Virgie Arthur living kids are in prison and/or ex cons.
Vergie Arthur was behind Rita's fake book, and is a bottom feeder to the max.
Anonymous said…

Howard LIED to the court
Anonymous said…
Larry Birkhead Imposters on the Web - Wise up Women!
What can be more pathetic than a man on the internet pretending to be Larry Birkhead to get lots of attention from women? The women who are naïve enough to fall for the imposters are!!!!

Despite past posts, warnings, and good old fashioned common sense desperate women on the internet are still going to a fake Larry Birkhead myspace page posting messages on the imposters page hoping to get noticed by their “dreamy” guy. There are regulars on the site that post messages over and over and today I even noticed one person writing that she had spoken to this imposter on the phone. She mentions taking him up on his offer to go out and see him.

Are these people stupid? Have they not heard from their mothers about internet safety? I am wondering why this site is allowed to continue. The person who made this site is probably some fat lonely old man who is getting his kicks off of hearing from women trying to be sexy in attempts to meet a celebrity. An even scarier thought that this is some dangerous person trying to trick naïve women into meeting him. Wise up ladies!

Kinda like prison groupies..LMAO
Anonymous said…
James-They think you are a fat lonely old man-you may want to defend yourself.

There is stalkers that use the internet so I would indeed be careful-Peggy warned of one in paticular.What nut would want anything to do with Larry Birkhead/aka SOS.
Anonymous said…
Just what I was thinking, who sould be interested. A Larry Birkhead myspace page? I wouldn't doubt that he would do that, since he seems to crave attention. Remember how he panned the camera without a shirt, sucking a pacifier in one picture, and playing the model, when they were really trying to photograph Danielynn.

That proves to me that there are many desperate women out there.
Chasing after Larry Birkhead? Who would want to see or talk to that seedy looking, shallow loser?
Anonymous said…
i saw that clown video, or most of it l guess. i turned it off after ford shelly's daughter said it was serious. how anyone could see a man treat a child that way and represent or support them is as sick as he is. how on earth can anyone be so cruel to a child. my heart just broke for her. howard a jail cell is too good for you.
Anonymous said…
He actually did post himself before he became a loser when we were going to establish a fund and asked us not too of course not he had planned to sell his soul which he has done.
Anonymous said…
"Is your baby still alive?" Howard asks Anna, in this sad video. If he even thought it was his baby, why would he say "your baby"? Lets at least start with kidnapping charges for trying to keep Larry away from what Howard knew was clearly not his baby!
Anonymous said…
The Dana Pretzer Show on Scared Monkeys Radio - Wednesday, October 24th - Guests include Art Wood, Lisa Pinto and Don Clark
October 24th, 2007 under Aruba, Missing Persons, Natalee Holloway, Podcasts, The Dana Pretzer Show. [ Comments: none ]

This week’s guests include:

Art Wood, former Secret Service agent discussing the Natalee Holloway search.
Lisa Pinto, former prosecutor, discussing “Is there justice in Hollywood or just Hollywood injustice?”
Don Clark, former FBI agent discussing the Rita Cosby Investigation and Lincoln Bain
Anonymous said…
Anna Nicole Photo Stir
Anna Nicole Smith passed away in February this year.

But the 39-year-old is still in the news.

Following her death, it was over the paternity and custody of her daughter, Dannielynn.

Now, a picture - allegedly of her lifeless body - is doing the rounds on the internet.

The authenticity of the picture has yet to be confirmed, and there are claims that it could be a photo taken on another occasion in the Bahamas.

Site Mediatakeout had this message on their site: "At the request of Howard K Stern and his attorney, we've taken down the photo."

While had the following to say: "Earlier this morning Hollyscoop reported exclusively that there was a Anna Nicole Smith corpse photo floating around and we didn't want to post it to avoid a lawsuit.

"We just received a letter from Howard K Stern's representatives, who also represent Anna Nicole Smith's estate, asking us to cease and desist from displaying or publishing the picture in any way."

So if you haven't seen it, you're unlikely to now.

But believe us, you wouldn't want to anyway.,,50001-1286955,00.html
Anonymous said…

Anna Nicole’s Producer Found, Explains Disturbing Clown Tape
Wednesday October 24, 2007 has exclusively learned the identity of “Mark,” the mystery man Howard K. Stern repeatedly refers to in the shocking new Anna Nicole Smith video.

Mark Schey, the president and CEO of creative agency 22Digital, which created the “TRIMSPA, Baby!” slogan, tells Us that through his “good, professional relationship” with Smith he often helped her post fan videos on her personal website “as a courtesy kind of thing.” He claims he was not paid, however, and that he wasn’t present at the Bahamas video shoot.

“It could have been something [Stern] intended to put on [her website]. He would give me instructions, ‘edit this, don’t do this,’” Schey tells Us, adding, “I’ve never seen that video, and had nothing to do with the filming of it. I never even got this tape.”

Schey is “not sure” who was the man behind the camera, but says it “could” have been Stern.

“I help put videos online – I had nothing to do with the production of them, and was not there when she filmed any of them,” Schey explains.

Robin Bonnema, a spokeswoman for TRIMSPA, tells Us: “Mark Schey is not an employee of TRIMSPA. He owns his own company and TRIMSPA has contracted Mark on occasion for TRIMSPA-related events. The video is not a TRIMSPA event, nor is it related to TRIMSPA in any way.”

The disturbing footage of an apparently drugged-up, eight-months-pregnant Smith — which was seen on Geraldo Rivera ’s show Geraldo at Large this week — shows an incoherent Smith in clown makeup, pushing a baby doll in a stroller at her then-home in the Bahamas. Smith acts as if she thinks the doll is alive and does not realize she is pregnant; she appears to thinks she is just bloated from gas, the tape shows.

Her partner Howard K. Stern can be overheard asking Smith if she is on a “mushroom trip” and giving direction to a colleague he calls “Mark.”

At one point, Stern says, “This footage is worth money,” and instructs Smith to cover her right breast, which had popped out of her caftan. He then says, “You can’t show that, Mark.”

On the tape, Stern and Smith are joined by the nine-year-old daughter of Smith’s former friend, Ford Shelley — whose father-in-law, G. Ben Thompson, owns the home where Smith was staying at the time — who was at the house for a playdate when the tape was shot. The child is overheard urging Stern to “Cut the tape off and help...” Later she pleads, “I think we need the hospital... Howard, seriously, please help!”

Stern has claimed the tape, a small portion of which was broadcast earlier this year on Fox News Channel, was stolen.

But last night on Geraldo, Shelley — who admitted he took the tape — shot back: “It’s funny to me that he said I stole something ... I had a key to the house.”

Shelley added that his daughter was “emotionally not good” after the incident.

So why release it? “I want the truth to come out,” he told Rivera.

Posted at 8:37AM on Oct 25th 2007 by Bonnie Munster
Anonymous said…
The “Mark” Howard Stern repeatedly referred to throughout the infamous “clown” video featuring Anna Nicole Smith obviously under the influence of something, most likely is Mark Schey, President and CEO of the creative agency 22Digital. Schey would take the footage shot by Stern and upload it to Anna’s site. He said it wasn’t uncommon for Howard to issue directions while filming.

“It could have been something [Stern] intended to put on [her website]. He would give me instructions, ‘edit this, don’t do this,’” Schey tells Us, adding, “I’ve never seen that video, and had nothing to do with the filming of it. I never even got this tape.”

Schey is “not sure” who was the man behind the camera, but says it “could” have been Stern.

“I help put videos online – I had nothing to do with the production of them, and was not there when she filmed any of them,” Schey explains.

When a snippet of the tape first emerged, Stern claimed it was stolen and the snippet was taken out of context. It’s apparant to most who viewed the tape that Howard knew Anna was on drugs and also planned on selling the video because he asks her if she’s on a “mushroom trip”: and tells her how the tape is worth money - while she asked why.

Her partner Howard K. Stern can be overheard asking Smith if she is on a “mushroom trip” and giving direction to a colleague he calls “Mark.”

At one point, Stern says, “This footage is worth money,” and instructs Smith to cover her right breast, which had popped out of her caftan. He then says, “You can’t show that, Mark.”

On the tape, Stern and Smith are joined by the nine-year-old daughter of Smith’s former friend, Ford Shelley — whose father-in-law, G. Ben Thompson, owns the home where Smith was staying at the time — who was at the house for a playdate when the tape was shot. The child is overheard urging Stern to “Cut the tape off and help…” Later she pleads, “I think we need the hospital… Howard, seriously, please help!”

Stern has claimed the tape, a small portion of which was broadcast earlier this year on Fox News Channel, was stolen.

But last night on Geraldo, Shelley — who admitted he took the tape — shot back: “It’s funny to me that he said I stole something … I had a key to the house.”

Shelley added that his daughter was “emotionally not good” after the incident.

So why release it? “I want the truth to come out,” he told Rivera.
Anonymous said…
heck, who would be emotionally good with Shelly as a father
Anonymous said…
Stern claims everybody is lying. He has made himself despised by his own actions. The things he sues people for saying is what the world believes are true. His actions are so heinous that he cannot win in court against anybody who made statements he said harmed his character IMO.

Only an opinion, but well founded, is that Anna was kept drugged because she accused Howard of killing Daniel, she feared for her life, and she asked Ford Shelley to remove items from the house if she were killed. Nobody helped her because she was kept isolated from friends and family. She begged people to get Howard away from her. She asked him to leave and he refused. Her family was not even called when she was dead.
Howard took over her possessions himself although he was nothing.

Ford Shelley is a hero for going to the house and for getting items out as Anna asked. It was particularly noble of him since in my opinion they all thought Howard was a psychopath and was dangerous.

Oh, Stern supporters are always slandering good people in order to deflect attention from the heinous deeds of Howard. They even exulted in Howard's squatting in Ben's house and trying to steal it.
I was reading a statement made from one of the Gibson women in which she clearly stated that was Ben's house and that Anna had bought the pink house and was preparing it to move into.

The problem with Ford Shelley and Ben Thoompson is that they are both too nice, too generous, and are not exposing Howard enough for the fiend that he is, IMO. Ford DID tell Howard in the Florida courtroom that he would never forgive him for the Clown video and how his daughter was traumatized by that and not allowed to go home. He was too nice about it, and he should have been really more forceful about what he said then and thereafter. There is NO EXCUSE for Howard's behavior toward people who helped Anna, who paid expenses at the Horizons (which Howard put in the will for the baby's estate to pay). What Shelly's child was exposed to was child abuse, not to even mention the unborn child, who might have been damaged and likely was from those drugs Howard funneled into Anna.

Get a grip, Ford, and stand tall. You know what Howard is. You are a hero for what you did, in exposing Howard with the Clown tape. There are likely many more tapes and even worse tapes than that either in Howard's possession or destroyed. Too bad about the corrupt judicial system in the Bahamas that allowed Howard to get away with accusing you of breaking into your OWN HOUSE that he was allowed to live in and steal. Surely you could fight from another venue, as you well should have. There was a letter from one of the attorneys that clearly stated that the house was owned by Ben Thompson, and in no way belonged to or was promised to Anna. This letter also stated that Howard attempted to have her falsify information.

Pro Pinder said Howard made a secret round trip from Florida and the Bahamas to the Horizons house around the time of Anna's death. What was that about?
Anonymous said…
Suzanne, you are so full of dog crap......
James Edstrom said…
Anonymous said…
Well, thank goodness for Dana Walker. I don't think someone who had known Larry and his sisters for 20 years would make a statement that wasn't true, and this is nothing we all don't already suspect, that Larry is a shallow user. Apparently nothing he said to Judge Seidlin was true. If it hadn't been for Opri he would have never even gotten the DNA, and she is the one who groomed him and coached him so he appeared to be such a good guy. It doesn't surprise me to hear that he was willing to use Dana's mother to pay all the expenses for him and his group. Opri, who paid for the baby's furniture and layette, cleaned what she said was his filthy apartment where his roommate said she was in their home too much. Someone said Opri also bought and paid for clothes for Larry's sister. Opri got the shaft when Larry got the DNA and hooked up with Howard. So did Virgie Arthur, and Larry will forever be remembered for his two-faced back-stabbing treatment of Anna's mother. What a jerk.

Several people said the baby's fingernails were too long and were dirty. Is there EVER going to be a time when we can stop worrying about a small, precious and adorable baby whose mother and brother were taken from her? Will she ever be in a safe place?

Whether you like her or not Opri should have been paid. Decent human beings pay their bills and don't think they can just be gifted throughout life, or live off women, live off babies, and live off the estates and monies made by people who worked, people who WANTED to LIVE to enjoy their possessions.
Anonymous said…
Oh, I'm sure the people who said DL's fingernails were long & dirty were credible. Who's the source of that vital(?) info?

The California court system will be the final judge on Opri's final bill amount.

Wonder who is paying for Opri's husband laundry these days?
Maybe Deb learned how to wash.

Virgie Arthur will be remember for lying in a Florida Court under oath re:SPLASH & throwing her fat body across graves for publicity.
Anonymous said…
oh my, larry won his appeal to have Opri's case in front of a jury.....oh dear.

Poor Deb lost again........
Anonymous said…
4:44 pm same ol' comments

Many commented on what they SAW about Danielynn. Naturally you don't CARE what happens to Danielynn.

Yes, the California courts will hopefully spring to action and bring criminal charges against the guilty.

About Opri, she ISN'T guilty of anything other than getting the DNA for Larry, which might not have been the best, but was better than Howard, but neither is appropriate. A signed contract will get her her money, although Larry says (haha) that he didn't know what he was signing.

Opri clarified that that was NOT for her husband's laundry, and don't forget, she bought clothes for Larry's sister for which she was never reimbursed, and she also paid out of her own pocket for cleaning and preparing Larry's home for inspection. But, of course, for some reason Larry thinks he is exempt from paying
for anything and gets a free ride, now on Anna and the baby.

Oh, baloney about your tired old bogus comments about Virgie lying. She didn't lie, but Howard lied under oath that his name was not on any prescriptions. THAT was perjury, and was about something important for which he should have been arrested. When he goes to all his court appearances where he is suing everybody with Anna's money, he will be asked if his name was on those prescriptions AS he TESTIFIED under oath in Florida.
If he says his name was on the prescriptions, he perjured himself in Florida. If he says NO he is perjurying himself in whatever state court he is in.

Get it?
Anonymous said…
You say Virgie doesn't lie. BEFORE lunch, she said she received no monies from SPLASH.

AFTER lunch, she said she was paid by SPLASH.

Maybe she was just undernourished..........needed food to jog her memory.
Anonymous said…
Yes, maybe you are just desperate to criticize Virgie, O'Quinn, Rita, Ford and Ben because you think that makes Howard look better. It doesn't. None of those people have done anything wrong at all, nor have they committed heinous activities in the deaths of two innocent people.
They aren't living off dead Anna's money, or living off her baby.

Get a grip. Your insults toward a grieving mother only get you contempt. Howard's disgusting comments insulting the only person who was grieving at Anna's funeral, Virgie Arthur, were despicable. The crass and classless Bonnie, who boasted that she told Virgie to her face that she made her sick, made Bonnie despised by the world.

Who financed Bonnie's sex candy business? When was it established?
Inquiring people want to know.

Where are Anna's designer clothes and her jewelry worth millions?
Anonymous said…
Seems like OPI got a smackin today! Whose next? RC? O'Q? VA? LOL...JUST A MATTER OF TIME....
Tic Tox....Tic Tox! You will all be exposed soon enough! HAHA
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
Seems like OPI got a smackin today! Whose next? RC? O'Q? VA? LOL...JUST A MATTER OF TIME....
Tic Tox....Tic Tox! You will all be exposed soon enough! HAHA

5:35 PM

tick tock tick tock by golly it's a cuckoo clock tick tock tick tock

Who's next?
Anonymous said…
Suzanne-Please check your shoes as only way you could have dog crap if you had stepped on Bonnie or Kimmie's
Anonymous said…
So true, Faye. The more they talk, the worse they look.

Especially entertaining is how they talk about how Rita, O'Quinn, and Virgie will be exposed. Exposed for WHAT?

I think the clock is ticking for their boy, who is being investigated for criminal activities and crime.

Tick tock the time goes by,
They should know the time grows nigh,
When to a crook they will say
To an evil devil headed for jail,
where he will spend his life in a cell,

Oh boo hoo the plight they're in,
from their support of deadly sin,

Tick Tock they can follow the bell,
and follow their leader straignt into hell.
Anonymous said…
You are correct watch out for the ticks as weird one probably has them-tox she rambles about is her way of describing her breath which is toxic!Mee is correct they are amusing at times.
Anonymous said…
can anyone explain the art harris connection?? his site is so blatently slanted toward howard and company. and the comments are fake. they actually made erosobitch look like a hero.
Anonymous said…
Art Harris is a paid Howard flunkey!He lies cause that is what he is paid to do.Note James comments which he posted earlier.
Anonymous said…
Hey did you guys know that Kirsta Barth was at Dr. E's house when the search warrents were served.
Isn't that an intersting turn of events.
Anonymous said…
I did not know Barth was there. Why was that not mentioned I wonder. Odd, since wasn't it 1:30 in the morning? What does that mean? Either there was a leak in the FBI security or there is a lot of conspiracy going on with Eroshevich, Barth and Stern.

I never could stand Barth, who nauseated me with her behavior in court and in what she said on Court TV.
Anonymous said…
Were are Anna's dress and jewellery? Maybe Stern keep them for Vergie?
So she can have them for her next party with rita and co.
Anyway before the next party she will have time to loose some weight.
Were is rita by the way? is she return to university? journalism 101
Anonymous said…
11:02 funny

know what I mean?
Anonymous said…
I do not critize or judge Virgie unfaily. I only have empathy and compassion for her. She just lost her beautiful Daughter and Grandson. She can not see her Grandbaby. I can imagine she must be feeling so much pain and hurt. She is a woman grieving her beloved family members. I only have kind words and thoughts for her, and wish her well. IMO
Anonymous said…
I do not critize vergie taber,but instead having 5 husbands she shoud took care of her childs.When Anna was young girl what was happening????? we know now the relation druggs/childwood.I would not let my childs with her for a minutes.
Anyway she is not a woman to fell anything!!! just approved Rita's book did not gave her any compassion!!!!
She is better stay in Texas instead to come in front of camera!!!
Anonymous said…
ll:02 anonymous
The Sterns were all squatting in Anna's house where Ben Thompson let her live. Maybe Bonnie is wearing her clothes and jewelry.

Anna had bought a house where she was moving. Too bad she didn't make it, but we all know why.

Why don't you lose some weight yourself, Tubbo. Don't worry about Virgie, on her worst day she looks better than you could ever look on your best day.

And about Rita taking Journalism 101, from your spelling you need to repeat the third grade.
Anonymous said…
Ben Tompson was never the real owner of the house! Take a look at the papers He was not able to buy you you !!!!!!
So he try to make a deal and put the house on Anna's name.
Tompson is a criminal and he don't have the guts to appers in Bahamas!
give me a break!!! The same for Ford Shelly wouachhhh Really strong in front of the camera but to scared to appers in Bahamas.Take infos. before you write your gossip!!!!
Mo said…
Anonymous said...

I do not critize vergie taber,but instead having 5 husbands she shoud took care of her childs.When Anna was young girl what was happening????? we know now the relation druggs/childwood.I would not let my childs with her for a minutes.
Anyway she is not a woman to fell anything!!! just approved Rita's book did not gave her any compassion!!!!
She is better stay in Texas instead to come in front of camera!!!

12:06 AM
You're full of crap! You don't criticize Virgie Taber. you're not passing judgment on her having 5 husbands. Doesn't look good, but then you (we) DON'T KNOW everything. Seems to me she had at least one husband die. Working in the law enforcement for decades, I'm sure it can't have been easy, but I'm making no excuses. We don't know the FULL and TRUE story about the upbringing of her children. Some who are in trouble, grew up with the father, Don Hogan, not Virgie.
And what's the relationship between drugs/childhood? You seem to be an authority on the matter. When children grow up and become adults, they will do as they will. Parents no longer have control over what their kids do. And if parents still do, are their children really adults?
Your children are probably ignorant and judgmental like you, given the example you displayed on the comment.
COMPASSION? What would you know about compassion? Your comment shows NONE of it. Do you know the meaning of HYPOCRITE?
If Virgie is ever in front of a camera, LOOK AWAY if you don't want to see her.
Anonymous said…
1:50 AM poster, Great post.
I agree with you 100%.

You can always tell the ignorant feeble brained Stern supporters by how they trash Anna's mother. They know abolutely nothing good to say about Howard Stern. For months they have been harping on Virgie's hard early life, and have been slandering her with false accusations. These people who make false criticisms toward Virgie are the trashiest of low lifes. There is no TELLING the degenerates that they are, and they will pay.

Now to you, 12:31 AM, moron of the world, you are 100% wrong. That house STILL belongs to Ben Thompson according to the lawyers, and he is taking another legal avenue to be reimbursed for the money he paid for that house. You are an ignorant and pathetic human being, saying those things about Virgie Arthur, and about Ben Thompson and Ford Shelley, but you people don't have one good thing you can say about the squatting, swindling, house stealing person you support, Howard Stern. It doesn't give him any more credibility for you to lie about innocent people, and it makes you look like an absolute fool.
Anonymous said…
Interesting read.

An individual who is charged with a transnational crime can be indicted in the United States or in the state courts of countries that have criminalized such behavior.
Anonymous said…
Well ain't that a OPRI story...come out, come out, wherever you are...just a matter of time before you are all linked together IMO!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the interesting informatin that transnational criminal law is distinguishable by the fact that for a crime to be considered "transnational" the boundaries of two nations can be crossed in some way if an email message sent from the another country to the United States, or an attempt to smuggle things from one country to another. Would that include wiring money, money laundering, drug trafficking and similar things? In the US Federal system, a number of laws address transnational crimes, but the international community, through organizations like the UN, Europol, or Interpol, has enormous influence on the classification of activities as transnational crimes.
It seems to me this would be very helpful and tracking crime and following money trails.

The thing that is encouraging about THIS is that hiding crime in another country still doesn't allow someone to escape prosecution and conviction in the United States, because an individual who is charged with a transnational crime can be indicted in the United States or in the state courts of countries that have criminalized such behavior. And, look at THIS, an indictment might follow after a criminal investigation in which Interpol, Europol, the FBI, or other criminal intelligence agencies become involved in investigations. Now, aren't the FBI AND the DEA involved in the investigation into the suspicious deaths of Anna and Daniel, and also in the prescription drugs that appear to be mailed to the Bahamas and taken to Florida from the Bahamas in the names of others than the person who died from them?
Anonymous said…
An individual who is charged with a transnational crime can be indicted in the United States or in the state courts of countries that have criminalized such behavior.

8:56 AM

THIS is EXACTLY what I wonder about. With reports that the FBI have the nanny tapes, I WONDER if the FBI make take Jurisdiction in Daniels death, as well. Daniel and Howard are CA Citizens...I wonder if the Inquest will go forward or if the FBI may say, it's OUR game now...wouldn't THAT be poetic...Forum shopping for the FEDS!!! Beat Howie at his own game...AND then Shelley and Thompson COULD testify...and Larry would be compelled to...the way I SEE it, Daniels Death is connected to Annas death...and it would take the heat off of the Bahamians...a win-win for everyone...word is (rumor) that there is "big" news coming from Bahamas...wonder what that is...I HOPE it's Bodies being exhumed and brought to US for Autopsy...PERFECT!!

We'll have to wait and see...
Anonymous said…
OR uuuhhooohh, maybe Rita is gonna be charged with assault and / or witness tampering....JMO
Anonymous said…
I can think of several great surprises! I can't wait! I KNOW it will be favorable on the justice side, and not on the criminal side!
Anonymous said…
dont wet your panties suzanne
Anonymous said…
Interesting article in the Globe
8 thousand pills prescribed to Anna Nicole during a 5 month period prior to her death.
That brings us to the point where Daniel died.
Claims they have a source inside the investigation.
Mo said…
Thanks for the info, Einstein.
Anonymous said…
Einstein, thank you for that information. You are missed.

I am thankful that information has been made known to the FBI, and I hope they leave no stone unturned.

Justice will prevail. We stay the course.
Anonymous said…
E-Holy cow figure roughly 30 days =150 in five months and 8,000 pills incredible.I have to make my husband take pills but how can one consume pills like that.Where is Kerry -not that lady I read about with the crow bar.Just kidding she has a lot of spunk and tell her said hello!
Anonymous said…
Oh also,
Inquest will begin on Tuesday.
No stupid stalling..........It will go forward.
Talk to you all soon!
Mrs Marple said…

Thanks for the info! You are a gem! Let the fireworks begin! Let see if all the Sternoid lies get past go in a court of law! The spinners have spun out and the time for truth has finally come. I hope the Feds go for all of the facts. I hope the whole lot of these small time thugs all go to jail for a very long time. I hope Stern has a hot pink cell so that he can remember Anna for the rest of his life.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Einstein, for the good news. IMO
Anonymous said…
einstein said...
Interesting article in the Globe
8 thousand pills prescribed to Anna Nicole during a 5 month period prior to her death.
That brings us to the point where Daniel died.
Claims they have a source inside the investigation.

8:06 PM

DId all 8,000 fit in the duffle bag?LOL
Anonymous said…
Remembering DanielWho Was Daniel Wayne SmithHe Was A Beloved Son ToSomeoneHe Was A Beloved Brother To SomeoneHe Was A Beloved GreatGrandson To SomeoneHe Was A Beloved Grandson To SomeoneHe Was ABeloved Newphew To SomeoneHe Was A Beloved Cousin To SomeoneHe Was ABeloved Friend To SomeoneDaniel, was said to be shy, quiet andpolite. You never read about Daniel in all the various tabolids beinga Hollywood brat and raising heck. You never saw Daniel drunk drivingor stories of drug use. He was quiet, kind and polite. He seemed likea good kid.In my opinion, Daniel was taken to young. He will neverreach his goals and dreams he may have had. He might have been amovie director, business man, husband, father. We will never know. Itis such a sad story a Mother and Son dying so close together in timefrom the same manner of death. Remembering Daniel. IMO
Anonymous said…
I think it is important that the U.S. have jurisdiction over the D. Smith, Anna Nicole Smith and the Copperfield cases. Unlike the Holloway case in Aruba, the possible victims and potential perpetrators are ALL U.S. citizens. If the U.S. has jurisdiction:

1. It will discourage people from luring a victim to a foreign country that can either be bribed to look the other way or unable to perform a thorough investigation due to limited resources.

2. The cost of the investigation and trial(s) will be paid for by the U.S. Such investigations and trials are expensive and why should a foreign country be burdened with the cost?

If the U.S. can legally acquire jurisdiction but the Bahamas has to cooperate in order for the U.S. to do so, I think the U.S. government can put enough pressure on the Bahamas to make them agree to U.S. jurisdiction. I think that it’s important for the U.S. to do so in order to deter future criminal acts by Americans upon Americans on foreign soil.
Anonymous said…
Contrary to some Sternoid speculation and spin there has been and continues to me a good working relationship between the current government of the Bahamas and United States Federal Authorities.

I think it's getting time to cue the "fat lady" for her song.
Anonymous said…
Check this out

The indictment said Kozeny and two other men, Frederick Bourke and David Pinkerton tried to buy off senior Azerbaijan officials in a bid to gain control of the state-owned oil company SOCAR. They were charged under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), which forbids American citizens and their companies from bribing foreign public officials.

can HKS be charged for bribing on ebhalf of ANS?

Here si the rest of the article on another guy that bribed anothe rcountry.

can someone look this act up?
Anonymous said…
And although this conduct may be "reprehensible", Justice Isaacs said the conduct is not an offense under the laws of The Bahamas. Since the substantive charge was dismissed on this ground, the conspiracy charges were also thrown out. The absence of a corresponding law on the Bahamian books made the offenses non-extradition ones, Justice Isaacs said.

Bahamas is corrupt!
Anonymous said…
Oh, I see. Doesn't the Judicial system of the Bahamas function under English law? Is bribery, money laundering, swindling, stealing and conspiracy acceptable under that law? What about murder?
Is that OK with the Bahamians?
Look at those Bahamian judges with their white wigs on, copy catting England courts, are they just putting on a show or are they actually educated and competent Judges and lawyers? What about law enforcement, are they just thugs who are paid by drug lords?
They fired the only decent medical examiner they had because she thought Daniel's death was suspicious, as anybody would have if they were doing their job. Is
the Inquest just another Bahamian joke? Are those people just too ignorant and too greedy to enforce the law and administer justice?
They are beginning to look like a bunch of monkeys to me.
Anonymous said…
I figured you were out there traveling incognito-not me I love a good fight.Wonderful see you all again even saw Whack the other day-still wondering about the obsession with Suzanne which I think is actually Bonnie cause of the vocabulary-she hates it when she mentions her brother and when she mentioned who are you maybe Bonnie she came bouncing back so I feel certain especially with week end probably her.they will get worse closer to inquest-rest assured-Kimmie give her four cans of Kiwi and a Lighter she will go for about 48 hours blabbering nonsense.
Anonymous said…
If I was a Sternoid and you were a box of rocks-would you love me anyway-would you have my baby (No).Here comes the Judge a real one this time!
Anonymous said…
There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, "If only I could see the world, I would marry you. "One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend. He asked her, 'Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?' The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him. Her boyfriend left in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying: 'Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine. 'This is how the human brain often works when our status changes. Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful situations.

Life Is a Gift

Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't speak.
Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat.
Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying out to GOD for a companion.
Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who went too early to heaven.
Before you complain about your children - Think of someone who desires children but they're barren.
Before you argue about a dirty house someone didn't clean or sweep - Think of the people who are living in the streets.
Before whining about the distance you drive - Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet.
And when you are tired & complain about your job - Think of the unemployed, disabled, and those who wish they had a job.
And when pointing the finger to condem another - think no one is without sin and we all answer to one MAKER.
And when depressing thoughts get you down - Put a smile on your face and thank GOD you're alive and still around.
Anonymous said…
Two days 'til the Inquest. I hope money hasn't changed hands in that instance and that officials in the Bahamian government will start doing their job.

When if ever is the custody case coming up?

I think it is good that Larry and Opri will have a jury trial. That was not a win for Larry in my opinion.

Don't forget we are going back to regular time today. I prefer Daylight Savings, myself.

I predict that Rita will win.
I predict that Opri will win.
I predict that O'Quinn will win.
I predict that Virgie will win.
I predict that the FBI will win.

There is a bright tomorrow for justice seekers!
Anonymous said…
there is a very stupid "so called exper" on topix who claims to be cyber sleuth of the year, knowing everyone's identity.

A jack(off) of all trades who doesn't even know what times it is!

Brilliant Suzanne!

Degrad others at your own risk.
Anonymous said…
It is clear why you must be unpopular and disdained on other sites, since you always insult others here and never post anything of interest. We have noticed your inappropriate comments.

You say "at your own risk"? You now attempt to insult and THREATEN other bloggers? What do you threaten to do? Threats are not acceptable the last time I read rules of posting. I believe this site is monitored.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
there is a very stupid "so called exper" on topix who claims to be cyber sleuth of the year, knowing everyone's identity.

A jack(off) of all trades who doesn't even know what times it is!

Brilliant Suzanne!

Degrad others at your own risk.

I haven't posted anywhere since friday, I haven't changed names, degraded anyone and my name isn't Suzanne x
Anonymous said…
And my name IS Suzanne, and you, anonymous, are the only person who has degraded, insulted and threatened people.

You seem to do that on a regular basis. Bringing all that rude and inappropriate posting over from TMZ it would appear.
Anonymous said…

Our 14 year old dog, Abbey, died last month. The day after she died, my 4 year old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey. She asked if we could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her. I told her that I thought we cou ld so she dictated these words:

Dear God,

Will you please take care of my dog? She died yesterday and is with you in heaven. I miss her very much. I am happy that you let me have her as my dog even though she got sick.

I hope you will play with her.She likes to play with balls and to swim. I am sending a picture of her so when you see her. You will know that she is my dog. I really miss her.

Love, Meredith.

We put the letter in an envelope with a picture of Abbey and Meredith and addressed it to God/Heaven. We put our return address on it. Then Meredith pasted several stamps on the front of the envelope because she said it would take lots of stamps to get the letter all the way to heaven. That afternoon she dropped it into the letter box at the post office. A few days later, she asked if God had gotten the letter yet. I told her that I thought He had.

Yesterday, there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch addressed, "To Meredith," in an unfamiliar hand. Meredith opened it. Inside was a book by Mr. Rogers called,"When a Pet Dies." Taped to the inside front cover was the letter we had written to God in its opened envelope.On the opposite page was the picture of Abbey & Meredith and this note:

Dear Meredith,

Abbey arrived safely in heaven.

Having the picture was a big help. I recognized Abbey right away.

Abbey isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me just like it stays in your heart. Abbey loved being your dog. Since we don't need our bodies in heaven, I don't have any pockets to keep your picture in, so I am sending it back to you in this little book for you to keep and have something to remember Abbey by.

Thank you for the beautiful letter and thank your mother for helping you write it and sending it to me. What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially for you.

I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much.

By the way, I am wherever there is love.

Anonymous said…
2:24pm and 1:42pm, Thank you very much, those were very kind poems, it lifted my spirits.
Anonymous said…
I'm SURE God is also WAITING for STERN to get HIS JUST DESSERTS!!! FOR ALL the PAIN he's CAUSED GOOD, HONEST PEOPLE with HIS LIES and DEEDS."An eye for an eye..."
Anonymous said…
uh oh hurricane Noak is headed towards the bahamas

run everyone!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
uh oh hurricane Noak is headed towards the bahamas

run everyone!

6:21 PM

Maybe it's Daniel and Anna coming for the Inquest.
Anonymous said…
or virgy farting!
Anonymous said…
I see you are determined to stay on this site with your filthy and trashy talk about Mrs. Arthur. You must be a very common person.

It would be nice if people were not allowed to post such crude and inappropriate remarks here. Maybe James is not aware of this trashing of his site.

I, for one, don't associate with people who insult grieving grandmothers or who use language like that used by anonymous 6:53. I don't enjoy coming to a respected site and have to read such garbage.
Anonymous said…
It is the drugs------RC-It is the storm Noel and it is not Virgy must be a name of one of your cockroaches.She is on the fourth can of Kiwi folks brain is gone.What an idiot!
Anonymous said…
uh oh foul mouth faye thinks kimmie is here because of a misspell -

stupid old hag

she can't form a sentence with correct word order -

virgy farts are blowing in the caribbean
Anonymous said…
I see you are determined to stay on this site with your filthy and trashy talk about Mrs. Arthur. You must be a very common person.

It would be nice if people were not allowed to post such crude and inappropriate remarks here. Maybe James is not aware of this trashing of his site.

I, for one, don't associate with people who insult grieving grandmothers or who use language like that used by anonymous 6:53. I don't enjoy coming to a respected site and have to read such garbage.

7:30 PM

Anonymous said…
Thank you, James.

You have the best site on the Internet, by far.
Anonymous said…
I mean by that, James, because you usually remove the filthy comments by people insulting others, and using foul language.

I would love it if you would remove the barnyard lanuguage insulting Mrs. Arthur. It is vile and inappropriate.
Anonymous said…
No one but no one except her(Kimmie)-calls me what she does.No one is that stupid except her.So you fool only yourself Kimmie-switch from Kiwi to paint.Not typos dummy it is the same old crap for a year-you do not fool anyone.You can ask anyone on here as I have not been foul on here so would anyone else call me that-just her.You have a court appearance in couple days-best call Terminix they have a special for fumigation termites and cockroaches-then call Avon and buy about 10 gallons of whatever they have.
Anonymous said…
Everyone is paid-police to include FBI has paid informants-so that is no big deal.IRS once got me for a dollar and some change so they want what is owed so that is just one of many.I know of a case some of you may recall of a Farmer few years back where he killed some pigs to feed his family and IRS jailed him as the had a lien against his farm and pigs were considered an asset.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 9:51 pm

Does Art, for whom I have zero respect, let you use foul language and talk like a gutter snipe on his all for Stern site?? If so, why don't you leave here and go there and to TMZ, both of which are much more your style.

James isn't paid. He stands on principles, which is more than I can say for Art, Levins and Steines of ET.

It is nice to have someone with good character and ethics, like James, who provides a clean site, and who isn't for sale.

Move on, Trash Mouth.
Anonymous said…
Someone should remind Mr. Lin Wood that wire transfers of money can be traced no matter who many cut-outs are used.
Anonymous said…
Did Anna see the Sex Tape? Was she angry about it? This is a text between larry and anna,

Anna Nicole quit trash me at the casino

Larry not at a casino

Anna Nicole go f**k my mom to

Anna Nicole Yall are sick

Larry show up for the test with the baby\

Anna Nicole don't think so

Anna Nicole u wish

Larry everybody just want u to do right thing is all

Anna Nicole in your dreams
Anonymous said…
Anna Nicole; Yall are sick
Anonymous said…
The questions?

1) When was the last time Virgie (the loving grandmother) saw Daniel Smith her grandson?

2) What were the last words Anna ever spoke to her loving mother?

3) How many of Virgies husbands have been accussed of rape?

4) How many of Virgies children are serving time in prison for rape and assault?

5) How many (if any) of Virgies children have been shot in the head by her gun?

6) How many times did Virgie see Dannielynn when her daughter was alive?

7) How many times did Virgie mention food at the Florida court hearing and why?

8) How many reporters did Virgie bring to the morgue to see her daugher's body?

9) How many film crews did Virgie bring to the Bahamas to visit the grave?

10) How many of Virgies husbands and sons raped and abused Anna?

11) What age was Anna when Virgie threw her out into the street?

12) How much does Virgie really weigh?

13) How many time does Virge consume McDonalds (her know favorite) in a week?

14) How many times does Virgie snort in a 15 minute interview?

15) How many times does Virgie say "hisself" in a sentence?

16) How many mother of the bride dresses does Virgie own, but never was mother of the bride or attended her daughters wedding.

17) Does Virgie own any closed toe shoes? If yes, what is the width?

18) Is the square footage of Virgies trailer home more or less than 750 square feet?

19) What husband number 1 through 5 left Virgie after witnessing her handcuffing Anna to the bed and beating her with a stick?

20) What mother loves a book that trashes her daughter?

Posted at 1:39PM on Oct 29th 2007 by laughing so hard
Anonymous said…
Laughing so hard,

We have read your loathsome and filthy conversation for over a year in your slander of and insulting of Virgie Arthur. Every
word you say is slander, and your insane comments label you as a low class and vile person. Decent people leave the sites where you post.

You are a total liar, your comments about Mrs. Arthur are libelous and are based on your sick and distorted imaginings and your sick humor and slander.
You were the major factor in destroying all decent sites on which you appeared with your insults and slander, and your praise of pure evil. Soon you won't be laughing so hard, but we will be.

In addition to being a scummy person, you are a fool.
Anonymous said…
Here is some of that information for the benefit of those who didn't see it. This as it was written:

One of the documents is a copy of an email message sent by attorney Tracy Ferguson to Howard Stern.

Ms. Ferguson, whose firm Callenders & Co. represented Ms. Smith at one point, says in the message dated October 10 that she stands by her assertions that Mr. Stern invited "even entreated me" to make a false declaration to the registrar general to the effect that the deed to American developer Ben Thompson was sent for processing in error.

Deputy Supreme Court Registrar Ernie Wallace is scheduled to hear an application today whereby Mr. Thompson’s attorney Godfrey "Pro" Pinder is seeking to have him declared the rightful owner of the house known as Horizons.

"This is entirely consistent with your apparent predilection to make false utterances when it suits your purpose," Ms. Ferguson writes.

She goes on to say that at the request of her law partner, Michael Scott, she wrote to Mr. Stern and told him that in no way would the firm "be a party to a false declaration on your part that the immigration minister did not receive the cheque drawn on this firm’s account payable to the Public Treasury in the amount of $10,000. You and I are both aware of the fact that I delivered the cheque to Shane Gibson which I did in your presence and at your direction."

Immigration Minister Shane Gibson has repeatedly denied that he accepted the cheque personally to pay for the permanent residency of Ms. Smith. Immigration authorities have said that she was granted permanent residency based on the fact that she bought a million-dollar house in The Bahamas.

Ms. Ferguson writes to Mr. Stern, "I have discussed this exchange with Michael and he is appalled that you as a lawyer would seek to twist the facts to suit your convenience even to the extent of making false statements when you deem it appropriate to do so. We are incensed at your continuing conduct of belittling me and Michael and the firm, particularly behind our back. Howard, this is improper and simple cowardice."

In an email of his own to Ms. Ferguson on that same day, Mr. Stern wrote, "In our conversation last night, we discussed that your firm had filed a deed naming Ben Thompson as the owner of the house without our knowledge and that you realized that you were in conflict and had to withdraw because of your firm’s dual representation of Anna and Ben."

Yesterday, Ms. Ferguson swore an affidavit in which she claimed that Mr. Thompson agreed in July to purchase Horizons from Ronald H. Kelly and the liquidator of Americas International Bank Corporation Limited, George Clifford Culmer.

The property was purchased for $900,000 in US currency and it was agreed that Callenders & Co. would act for both parties, the affidavit says. Mr. Ferguson also says Mr. Thompson informed her that he knew Ms. Smith "very well and that he trusted her."

"Mr. Thompson further informed me that Ms. Smith urgently wished to relocate to The Bahamas from the United States to have her baby, that her said relocation was urgent and that she required financing to purchase her home," the affidavit says.

"Mr. Thompson agreed to assist [Ms. Smith] subject always to her executing security documentation in favour of Mr. Thompson for the total consideration that he agreed to advance to Ms. Smith to facilitate the purchase of the [house]."

Ms. Ferguson says at all times she was advised by Mr. Thompson that Ms. Smith agreed to sign either a promissory note and or a mortgage agreement in favour of Mr. Thompson in respect of the house in the sum of $950,000.

"I was advised that Ms. Smith would execute the said promissory note or a mortgage following the birth of her child," the affidavit says. "It was always my understanding that Ms. Smith would eventually own the house but that her ownership was made expressly subject to her execution of and the repayment of either a note or a mortgage in favour of Mr. Thompson."

Ms. Ferguson says that on August 9, 2006 a conveyance of the house was executed in favour of Mr. Thompson.

She says the conveyance to Mr. Thompson was neither stamped nor recorded at the Registry of Records.

Ms. Ferguson further swears that the conveyance was never in fact delivered by Mr. Thompson to Ms. Smith and it was held in an escrow by Callenders & Co. pending the execution and delivery of a mortgage of Horizons in favour of Mr. Thompson.

She claims that Ms. Smith has never seen nor received the original conveyance.

"Following the birth of her newborn daughter and subsequent to the tragic death of her son Daniel Smith we, Michael R. Scott and I, informed Ms. Smith that until she executed either a mortgage or a promissory note in favour of Mr. Thompson in the sum of $950,000 that the said conveyance would not be stamped and recorded…" the affidavit says.

Ms. Ferguson says until Ms. Smith executed the mortgage in favour of Mr. Thompson, she held the property upon trust for Mr. Thompson.

"Ms. Smith having acknowledged to me and to Mr. Thompson so I am advised her status as borrower and her indebtedness to Mr. Thompson she subsequently and without any legitimate reason or explanation repudiated the loan agreement and refused to sign either a promissory note or a mortgage," the affidavit says.

"In fact Ms. Smith tore up the promissory note taken by me for her to sign. Instead Ms. Smith claimed that the house was a gift from Mr. Thompson. I am fully aware that the house was never intended to be a gift to Ms. Smith at all."
Anonymous said…
It has been stated that Howard Stern was a small-fry attorney... really more or less in name only. Experience? What experience has he really had? ONE client in 12 years? Yes, he knows about the J. Howard Marshall litigation... but remember, he was not the one and only attorney working that case. But "small potatos" WAS charged with stealing court documents off the other table in the courtroom and repremanded by the JUDGE. What a reputation.

But literally this man is not an experienced lawyer as we would consider someone who had been practicing law for 12 years past.
Anna suported him and bought his clothes. He was a live in. And I certainly wouldn't hire him for anything as big and important as the Marshall case litigation. They can litigate that for the next 200 years and never get it over with, and they will not get one penny unless they bribed people.... but I'd still want an attorney who had a superior reputation and history vs. one with a small time go-fer role such as HKS.

Oh, sure, Howard is suing anybody who tells the truth or who says anything he doesn't like, but he is using Anna's money, or money he made from selling her. Either Anna or his parents supported him.
He is a wealthy man now, but ONLY because of ANNA'S work and earnings.

Anna was constantly victimized. Where is her money?
Where is her jewelry? How did Howard end up with all she had?
Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…
This is a repost. Does anybody know what is going on with this?

Officals in the Bahama's re-investigating an allegation that a company called ANS Interativeforged checks written in the Bahama's and with cash winding up in Santa Monica Ca. Howard K Stern is the subject of the investigation. He says he "didn't know" if he was an officer of the company. He did admit that Interactive ran ANS's Offical Website.

He did not know if he was an officer?
Anonymous said…
What a moron folks-she can not even spell anyone's name correctly-what a wonderful witness she will make.Probably have to look at her license to remember her own
Anonymous said…
faiyee - i -e - i - o

You are sooooo cute when you get riled up!
Anonymous said…
at least I shine my shoooos
Anonymous said…
at least I shine my shoooos
Anonymous said…
I have to wonder where James is.

He doesn't allow people who lie, insult and post filthy slander.

That is you, Laughing so Hard and anonymous moron.
Anonymous said…
I never get mad-just get even Rotten Crotch.What are we using tonight -oops forgot Howard is wearing Brown shoes so must be the Brown cans of Kiwi-how many fingers am I holding up moron.Justice is our goal and I concur you would serve no purpose in jail-nice padded cell with a giant chalkboard and 8x10 glossy of Howard in his stripe suit be perfect.You really ought to be practicing how to hold up your right hand and remembering your real name especially if you are going to testify.
Anonymous said…
I wonder if vergy polishes her open toe shoes.

vergy has pretty shooes.
Anonymous said…
Today is the start of the Inquest into the death of Daniel Wayne Smith.It's about time and today my prayers will be that there will be swift justice in this senseless and tragic death of a sweet young man who never had the chance to really live. May god have no mercy on the guilty parties. I pray today for Virgie and her family to remain strong during this awful thing. I pray for hks to suffer tenfold what he put anna and her dear sweet children through,and for larry birkhead to come clean. Admit your role in all of this and cleanse your filthy soul. To anyone who really loved anna and/or is when they need you the most. Come clean,tell the truth ,the whole truth,and nothing but the truth. Let the guily pay, it's justice day for Daniel Wayne Smith. Tuesday October 30 2007
Anonymous said…
Say What,

Nobody could have said it better. I agree, 100%, and it is about time this heinous behavior and the criminal activities are stopped and punished. The punishment should fit the crimes. Now is the time to stop an organized group of persons who have controlled the media, controlled investigations, and who were apparently in collusion with the Florida Judicial system.

Those under attack by the Stern camp are the heroes in this travesty. I hope they will be vindicated soon, and that Anna and Daniel will finally have peace in the prosecution and incarceration of criminals.

Hold fast, Virgie Arthur, we are all with you in your fight for justice. Disregard the sick remarks from cretins. We don't read their sick and despicable comments. I never read past their first sentence.

Justice Justice Justice!
Anonymous said…
My thoughts today are with Daniel...may justice come for him. Baha
Anonymous said…
They are putting up their hurricane shutters & boarding up in the Bahamas

Virgie farted again......thar she blows!
Anonymous said…
Jury selection has been completed in the Bahamas, but due to hurricane Noel, the inquest has been postponed until 19 November 2007.
Anonymous said…
While the inquest into the death of ANNA NICOLE SMITH's son, DANIEL, began today in the Bahamas with the selection of a seven-person jury, proceedings have been adjourned until November 19 because Hurricane Noel is expected to hit the Bahamas Wednesday. Both the jury -- which is comprised of four women and three men -- and the media were instructed by the court not to speak to one another.
Anonymous said…
3 weeks to kill time in the bahamas

doesn't sound like too much fun
Anonymous said…
gee, and everyone was talkin about how terrible Larry was for not bein in the bahamas.

guess he's the only smart on in the group, besides howard
Anonymous said…
Please explain what you are talking about.

Nobody cares what Larry does, other than that they want Anna's baby to be in safe and secure care.

We know you admire flakes and monsters. Fool.
Anonymous said…
This site has lost all credibility now. The TMZ trash and garbage has infiltrated here. Filthy mouthed insults toward Virgie are allowed, and this insanity is why I left TMZ.

Personally, I don't like to have my sensitivities assaulted by insults toward a grieving mother, uncaring conversation about the dead, and praise for the evil monster who caused the deaths.
James Edstrom said…
Please leave. Don't come back. I have to write so many stories a day. I do not have time to be a babysitter to bad comments. I try to catch as many as I can. Everyone has a right to speak here. I only delete vulgar comments or comments that are spam. If comments are not my view, they remain posted if they are not spam or vulgar. If someone thinks I am fat or ugly, that is their view, I'm not going to delete. This is America, freedom of speech. I love Virgie but if someone has a different view, they have a right to make it known just like you. So why don't you go to the Disney site and comment there. Seems you are not grownup enough to let people speak their mind. It is only your view that seems to count. So goodbye and good luck !


P.S. I love all my readers weather they agree with me or not. You are the first I told to go elsewhere so please do !
Anonymous said…
Very well said, times Square Gossip.......

Thank you,

not a Virgie fan
Anonymous said…
can you imagine anyone being squirrelly enough to go to the bahamas to observe the inquest?

LOL now that's funny!

I can report first hand - wow -
talk about an obsessed, crazed fool.

Anonymous said…
yup, the clock is ticking -

Mo said…
Way to go, James! Thanks for standing up for freedom of speech.

As much as I'd like to see the Stern supporters and Virgie bashers go away, I know they won't. It's like mold; it keeps coming back.

It's the filthy and vile language used that's hard to take. Some can't disagree without the name calling. Makes me think they're still in elementary school or they are just mean ignorant "adults."

The proper and correct information is out there. However, some continue to misinterpret the facts and spew lies to substantiate their views. It's difficult to debate or even discuss topics with such individuals. To ignore them is the best way I know how to deal with it. How can one refute the truth?

You can't control what another will say or do. You can only control your response and behavior to them.
Anonymous said…
Off topic,I would sure like to know why not one of the lawyer's on all the TV talk shows has never brought up the fact that Stern is still allowed to even retain his law license,he's lied in Fla court,admitted he live and had a sexual relationship with his ONLY client,among all the other things he's done,it clearly states in Cal. bar ass.rules he's violated a lot of them that are grounds for "DISBARMENT " yet as far as I've heard he's not been brought before the bar ass.for one single thing.
Mo said…
I'm hoping they get him for bigger stuff. Disbarment ain't nothing. I want him in jail for all the criminal deeds he's done. Bahamian jail would suit me just fine, but a U.S. will do me just fine.

Good question though to which I can't even hazzard a guess to as why.
Anonymous said…
Kind of hard trying to find this site. Always well worth the read.

Mo said…
Anonymous said...

Kind of hard trying to find this site. Always well worth the read.


11:08 PM

Yes, might be hard to find and yes, usually always worth the read.

Thank you James.