Jason Biggs says that Alyson Hannigan is a better kisser than Isla Fisher.The 29-year-old actor - who made out with Alyson in the 'American Pie' films and locks lips with Isla in his new movie 'Wedding Daze' - was initially reluctant to reveal which redhead was best when quizzed on the subject. He squirmed to BANG Showbiz: "Oh that's a tough call, a really tough call! I mean I'm very diplomatic, off the record I might tell you honestly, but I'm trying to remain diplomatic."However, when pushed for an answer he whispered behind his hand "Alyson", before quickly changing his mind and saying: "I'm kidding, Isla, no I'm kidding they are both great!" Jason also confessed he feels blessed to have seen so many hot actresses, including Shannon Elizabeth and Christina Ricci, partially naked. He added: "It's not a tough job for me that's for sure. I mean I think about that and I think about these girls that I have ei...