The ABC's Of Mediumship

Psychic Medium and Clairvoyant Thomas John will teach a series of courses, The ABCs of Mediumship: Communicating with the Other Side, on June 5, 12, 19 & 26, from 6:30PM to 8:30PM at the Meta Center in New York City. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to communicate with the dead? Where have your loved ones gone after they passed? What messages they have for you? Then this is the course for you!

Throughout the course, Psychic Medium Thomas John will teach the basics of communicating with spirit and enhancing one’s abilities to connect with those who have passed on. The goal of this course will be to teach an individual to connect with loved ones, as well as the loved ones of others. The course will begin with a review of theory and evidence for the survival of the consciousness, as well as a brief history of the field of mediumship. From there, basic techniques will be taught that can enhance one’s own abilities. Psychic and mediumship exercises will be incorporated throughout and the course will conclude with the students sitting in a spirit circle and delivering messages.

Psychic Medium Thomas John is an internationally regarded psychic sensation who has conducted hundreds of readings across the country and beyond. His clients have included Wall Street moguls, doctors, and lawyers as well as several high-profile celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez and Courtney Cox. His readings are known for their incredible accuracy and specific detail, and provide unequivocal evidence of the survival of consciousness.

ABOUT THOMAS JOHN: Thomas John is a psychic medium and clairvoyant, as well as a published author and life coach. As of 2010, Thomas has exclusively focused his efforts on mediumship and psychic advice. He maintains a full time, private practice dedicated to psychic mediumship where he helps individuals around the world connect with loved ones on the Other Side. Thomas’ talents have also been featured in national media outlets.

For more information about Thomas John, please visit

WHEN: June 5, 12, 19 & 26, 2012

6:30PM – 8:30PM

WHERE: Meta Center
214 W 29th Street # 16

New York City

TICKETS: $150 Enrollment Fee

Limited Enrollment to 15 Students
