Jamie Oliver

Famed cooking guru Jamie Oliver is a father for the third time. His beautiful wife has given birth to a baby girl.The British chef and wife Jools welcomed their third daughter today, at London's Portland Hospital.The baby, named Petal Blossom Rainbow, weighed in at 6lb 10oz.A statement from the pair reads, "Both she and Jools are doing well. Jamie and Jools are both completely smitten with Petal already." The happy couple has two other daughters, Poppy Honey, 7, and Daisy Boo, 5.


zillah hitchings said…
hi Jamie..howmuch does it cost to get you tocook for mysons surprise 30th b/day party..i dont know whoit is i have to idecided to ask you persoanlly...think your great loving the 30min meals xx
Anonymous said…
Hi Jaime, how do you feel that you have ruined families lives and their livelihood? How does it feel that these employees are going to have to live on the street? You haave single handidly destroyed people lives based in miss-information and rhetoric. Please burn in hell. That is all
James Edstrom said…
How was families lives ruined?