Photos By: Ann Watt

Tony Vargas And Designer Michael Moeller

Keith Girald With Larry Stevens And David Salidor

Keith Collins With Gerald McCullouch And James Edstrom

Robin Byrd With Bill Murray

Ian Miller With W

CSI Star Gerald McCullouch

Vinny Parco And Tomaczek Bednarek

Chuck Taylor

New York Daily News Gypsy Impalla With Charlie Ruppman

WABC's Jeff Smith With James Edstrom And Rita Cosby

Alister Duncan With Marjorie Marianaci, Eileen Powers And Paul Duncan

Maximiliano Palacio

Keith Girald With Darren Clinton

James Edstrom With Rita Cosby And Tomzczek Bednarek

James Edstrom And The Naked Cowboy

Alister Duncan With Ed Callaghan

Keith Collins With Linda Payne And James Edstrom

Darren Clinton And The Pasha David Salidor

The Fall social season kicked off in fine style as we here at Times Square Gossip celebrated our third anniversary the other night at owner Paul Drohan's and club icon Cornelis Craane’s fabulous new Imperial club on West 19th street. Party-master Keith Collins had arranged for an event and quite an event it was. The first attendees were Gypsy Impala, late of The Daily News, PR-Pasha David Salidor (who arrived with new U.K. singer/songwriter Darren Clinton; his friend Paul Holt, who just sold a project to TV wunderkind JJ Abrams and singer/songwriter Larry Stevens), Public Relations icon Ed Callaghan and Helen Collins, Always fun Keith Girard from The Improper, Bill Murray from Celebrity Service, celebrity photographer Ann Watt and Club Icon Adam Sands. Former Star Magazine Photo Director Alister Duncan was also there to help celebrate. Singer and songwriter Tomaczek Bednarek was also there with Emmy Winner Rita Cosby and CSI star Gerald McCullouch, who as always was in rare form. Salidor relayed that he first met Craane in 1985 when he was riding herd over the massive West 56th street club 4D … strange times indeed! “We're both still here, and in reasonably good shape!” he adds. Desperate Housewives Of New York City semi-regular Maximiliano Palacio also slid over to the hot 17th street club. New York City's own, The Naked Cowboy also stopped by with Cable Icon Robin Byrd. Good thing it was raining outside as we had WABC weather icon Jeff Smith giving us a up-to-date report on how much champagne it would rain down on the guests at the bash. It was a hurricane !


Anonymous said…
What a nice night to stay inside and PARTY! Looks like you were surrounded with a crowd promising a wonderful time.

Congrats on the anniversary! You have worked hard for this milestone altho I think you stopped at times to play along the way. I am glad you did.

What else is life for if not to enjoy?
James Edstrom said…
you are right my friend...all the best....
Anonymous said…
this was one of the best parties i have ever attended!
James Edstrom said…
Thanks...... Great people were there. It is so nice to have so many friends..

Anonymous said…
James, Congrats! Love your site and love you! Rita looks lovely.Hang in there Rita, don't give in to the devil.YOU ROCK! James, is that Chuck Taylor the converse guy? I love converse.Can ya help a sista out and hook me up with some shoes?lol