Sensational singer Anne Morrone

Can a new artist really happen on the music scene today without a stint in re-hab, abusive parents and siblings, a car accident or two, a record company stabbing them in the back, bad press, bad photos, or worse?

ANNE MORRONE, from Toronto, looks to be the first artist in far too long with nothing BAD to write about. She, along with her producer SAB RAVALLI, were down in New York at last week's CUTTING ROOM party for celeb-author MARK BEGO, and literally charmed everyone ... from hostess-MARY WILSON( who actually invited her onstage at one point ) to KEN DASHOW from Q104.3,
Her debut CD, WALK THIS WORLD (Attack Records/Universal) will be released in September, and under the careful and watchful tutelage of PR-guru DAVID SALIDOR and producer MARK BERRY, has thus far presented herself as a major new vocalist on the contemporary music scene. One track off the CD, "Burning", has already elicited a major wave of excitement. from radio and the clubs, and, Salidor and Berry are carefully crafting a real program to properly introduce her to the masses. A club-tour will be launched in late-August, which will include The Hampton's, Fire Island, and NYC. The track will also be showing up on several summer-TV shows and a video is on its way. So, can an artist without any controversy really happen? Says Salidor, "In all my years of doing this, absolutely ... when it's someone like an Anne Morrone."
