Paul Hurley And Superintendent John F. Forde

Ger Tawlor With Dade Siev, Paul Hurley, John F. Forde, Larry Morrison And Brian Byrne

The "An Garda Siochana", Irish National Police Force and members of the NYPD in a special launch, kicked off St. Patricks Day week at PD O'Hurleys on 72 street today in Manhattan. The St. Patricks Day Parade is one of the largest parades in the world. Civic, business, along with government officials from across Ireland and the United States attend the parade and week long festivities in Manhattan. Officials from the City of New York will be welcoming the world renown police department to the ''Big Apple''

Policing in Ireland began with the Dublin Police Act, 1786. The Irish Constabulary was established in 1822 , which became the Royal Irish Constabulary in 1867. The Dublin Police was established in 1836. During one of the bloodiest periods in Irish History, the War of Independence 1919-1922, over 400 policemen were killed. In 1922 the Royal Irish Constabulary was disbanded and the Civic Guard was established. The Civic Guard was later renamed the Garda Síochána and in 1925 the Dublin Metropolitan Police merged with the new police force. In Ireland there are about 11,000 members in the police force stationed in about 700 police stations throughout the country.
Photos By: James Edstrom
